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No. The US Supreme Court hears most cases under appellate jurisdiction, and does not listen to witness testimony. In fact, appellate courts may not retry cases, but must accept the factual determination of the lower court and/or trial jury.

The US Supreme Court's role in the appellate process is to determine whether the petitioner/plaintiff's constitutional rights were violated by a law or the legal process, not to determine a defendant's guilt or innocence.

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Q: Are witnesses called to testify in US Supreme Court cases?
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What do they call the court order that forces witnesses for the accused to appear and testify in court whether they want to or not?

it is called a subpoena.

How a person called to testify in court should dress?

witnesses dress should be consevatively and in a manner that shows respect for the court.

What is the number of witnesses that can testify in court?

No set number.

Can witnesses testify drunk?

Absolutely not, and they will be charged with contempt of court if they show up to testify in that condition.

Does a witness have to appear for a competency hearing?

Yes. Witnesses are of no value unless they can testify in court as to what they witnessed. Also, if a person has been subpoenaed as a witness they are required to appear.Yes. Witnesses are of no value unless they can testify in court as to what they witnessed. Also, if a person has been subpoenaed as a witness they are required to appear.Yes. Witnesses are of no value unless they can testify in court as to what they witnessed. Also, if a person has been subpoenaed as a witness they are required to appear.Yes. Witnesses are of no value unless they can testify in court as to what they witnessed. Also, if a person has been subpoenaed as a witness they are required to appear.

What do you call a person who testifies under oath in court?

A person who testifies against you is often called a "perjurer" or "liar." (wink)AnswerThe opposing party's witnesses are generally called to testify against you. If you are being tried criminally, they are often called "State's witnesses."

What do you call the court order which forces witnesses for the accused to appear and testify in court whether they want to or not?

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Must you testify if not subpoinaed?

if you are not called into court, you will not have to testify

Can you testify in superior court if not subpoena'd?

No, not unless you are subpoeana'd by one side or the other. A person can voluntarily testify without being subpoenaed as long as one party or another calls the person as a witness. Expert witnesses are hired to testify in court; therefore they also testify without being subpoenaed.

In a criminal case is the accused person allowed to call upon the court to compel witnesses to testify on his or her behalf?


What is it called when a person is called to court to give evidence?

It is called being subpoenaed to court to testify as a witness.

What is the place where witnesses stand in the court called?

The stand, the witnesses are called to the stand.