• First president to make human rights central to foreign policy
• Pressured U.S. military allies to improve human rights practices
• Withdrew support for President Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua over human rights issues
The answer is:
-Supported U.S. allies even if they had poor human rights records
-Ignored segregationist government in South Africa
-Pushed for democratic reforms in Eastern Europe and El Salvador
Correct Answer: Ronald Reagan
• Used international institutions such as NATO to push for human rights
• Worked against some human rights abuse but chose not to take action on others
• Used military force to end human rights violations in the former Yugoslavia
Answer : Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton
It is the same as the rights of an president
Bill of Rights
bill of rights
the president
Group A.
Jimmy Carter
President Truman wanted to provide equal rights and opportunities for all Americans.
He was a Southerner with an undistinguished record on racial matters.
He was a Southerner with an undistinguished record on racial matters.
It is the same as the rights of an president
she served as president of the national american woman suffrage association
she served as president of the national american woman suffrage association
James Farmer, the American black rights activist was never a president of anything important. He was national chairman of CORE and assistant secretary of HEW.
she served as president of the national american woman suffrage association
Constitution Constitution bill of rights
The president during the Civil Rights Movement was John F Kennedy :)
Bill of Rights