Report the bill w/ favorable recommendation. Report a substitute bill in place of the original bill. Report the bill without recommendation. Report the bill with amendments but without recommendation. Take no action on a bill.
The governor of a state may veto an item of any type of bill without vetoing the whole bill. This action is called an item, line veto.
When the president ignores the bill it will be passed automatically. This way he can pass a bill with out joining a side.
what part of a congres bill xeplanes what is in the bill
Bill or rights guarantees.
Bill and ben is the correct answer.
There is a mistake in your bill.
No, the sentence contains a subject-verb agreement error. It should be "She, Bob, and Bill found that it was difficult."
Either one is correct grammar. Both are grammatically correct. But when you say 'the bill can be paid ...' there is some sort of uncertainty, whereas in 'the bill will be paid ...' there is compulsion or certainty about the payment.
yes it can be without bill of lading
Bill preparation. The House Member (or the Congressman/woman) prepares and drafts the bill.
Bill preparation. The House Member (or the Congressman/woman) prepares and drafts the bill.
Bill of attainder
Bill has to be made accordingly. yes that is a sentence.
Report the bill w/ favorable recommendation. Report a substitute bill in place of the original bill. Report the bill without recommendation. Report the bill with amendments but without recommendation. Take no action on a bill.
No. Instead you should say, "Bill's and my favorite place" or "favorite place for Bill and me".
Bill gates has confirmed that he has a super computer so that is correct.