Nothing much will happen until January 2012, although candidates will try to raise money and "feel" people out before then,
The primaries have come and gone. The 2008 primary season began in New Hampshire on January 8. States decide (possibly with input from the major party organizations) their own primary dates. In my opinion, even as a NH native, I think they start too early and are not well-run. Primaries are not discussed in the Constitution, and so the states are free to handle them as they will. We need a better way of choosing political talent that allows non-mega-rich individuals to compete on a par with the rich. We need to stop allowing people to be able to purchase the office of president.
The presidential campaign
televised debates
Televised debates
In september, following the national convention
The presidential campaign
Any American can make campaign contributions to a presidential candidate.
2008 presidential campaign blog 2004 presidential campaign blog ... ARLINGTON, VA ... U.S.
Any American can make campaign contributions to a presidential candidate.
The vice presidential candidate is often referred to as the running mate of the presidential candidate during the campaign.
letter writing campaign
limits on federal campaign spending
I am interested in working on the presidential campaign if the opportunity still exists.
I am interested in working on the presidential campaign if the opportunity still exists.
The most famous US presidential campaigns are Democratic presidential nomination of 1960. The 1789 first US presidential election of George Washington, the 1932 US presidential campaign of Roosevelt as well as the Barack Obama's presidential campaign.
The Espionage act forced Eugene V. Debs to run his presidential campaign jail