study and do theyre job to achieve greatness
they were in charge of theyre homes so they were unwelcome in political and economic contexts
The Government gets its powers from Micayla Wicks. The most popular girl in Wisconsin.
It was to gain theyre rights back from english/ british men. the movement became more popular and many saw the dream of liberty and that thye need to fight in order to win.
The Colonist's, (American's), fought for their right's and freedom's from the English Empire, (British). The French, due to their hatred of the English fought with the American's while the Hessian (German mercenaries) fought for the British. The indentured servants and slaves fought for both sides, more on the British side feeling the British to be the better, 'stronger team' to be on. The American's won, and that is how the 'great experiment' began. The Great experiment is the belief that 'man' could govern him/her self. This would be the first time ever in History that this was tried.
Theyre in vault 32
No, theyre green/hazel. Even in her song Summerboy she says: Sunglasses, cover up my green eyes. :)
yes even when theyre asleep theyre flying really fast thats why theyre always running into stuff
an annoying person who copies someone or something usually you say copy cat when theyre really annoying and stupid, and they copy everything you do
yes they do .theyre really good friends theyre just not dating
Yes, preteens love to go on hay rides. Especially when its really bumpy! Ummmmm... well, it depends, if they're nine, then yes, they would like it, if theyre ten they would like it a little less, if theyre eleven a little less, if theyre twelve, no, absolutely not.
theyre bored and theyre trying to make friends with you. llalalala
football - where boys think theyre all cool and think theyre really impressive kicking a random ball around (dont see how thats coool) and ignore theyre girlfriends which is really annoying and unkind :(
Dalahäst? (Dala-horse) theyre like these painted wooden horses, u can buy them in all tourist places, theyre traditional or something. hope this was a help =)
Um yes because theyre sloths and theyre slow so they need something from predators
They only think theyre cool, which doesnt really HAVE TO mean they are.They probably think that because of theyre music, theyre funky hairdos, the way they dress and theyre attitude,which elevates theyre ego. Its just a way of seeing life.Good question, Why do rappers think they're cool?
a buch of people that are now dead because theyre really really really old!