A pocket veto will be possible for the president only if Congress adjourns before the president has ten days to sign or veto the bill. If Congress adjourns during this period, the bill does not become law and is effectively vetoed.
Arguably, the ultimate check on the power of the president is impeachment - if the president is thought to have committed a crime in the course of his duties, the House of Representatives can vote to impeach him, and then the Senate conducts the trial. A conviction requires a 2/3 majority vote of the Senate, and the highest punishment it can impose is removal from office. One could also argue that the voters are the ultimate check on the president's power - if they don't like his policies, they can vote him out in the next election. Furthermore, the Constitution (through the 22nd Amendment), limits the President to two terms in office, which prevents the President from becoming too powerful.
I assume the House of Representatives has approved the bill then sent it to the Senate for its vote. If the Senate then passes the bill by 69 votes or even 100 votes, the President can veto it. The Constitution does not prohibit a veto if a certain percentage of Congressmen approve it on the first try. After the bill is vetoed it goes back to the House where it originated and if that House votes by 2/3 majority to pass it, it goes to the other House for its approval. If 2/3 of that House also approves it, the bill becomes law without the President's approval. At that point in the process the President does not even have the right to veto the bill.
'Veto' is Latin for I forbid. Used as a Constitutional right to reject a decision or proposal made by a law making body. Any ban or prohibition and as such, can be used by anybody. It was originally used by Roman Tribunes of the people when opposing measures of the Senate
One is the impeachment process. The House has the exclusive power to impeach a president, and then the Senate tries the president. Another is the over-ride of a presidential veto.
The U.S. legislative branch can impeach federal officials (House), try impeachment cases (Senate), pass legislation (both House and Senate), override the President's veto with a 2/3 majority (both House and Senate), choose the President when there is a tie in the Electoral College (House), and approve the President's appointments (Senate).
No. Once a bill becomes law, the President can not veto it or nullify it. (He can refuse to enforce a law he does not like but is subject to impeachment for doing so. However if the law is controversial and his party has enough members in the Senate to make conviction impossible, he can get away with it. )
I think you are confused. A veto is what a president does to a bill he doesn't want or like. People are not vetoed. The word you are looking for is impeachment. A impeachment starts in the house and is done in the senate.
it overrides the presidential veto impeachment, house brings charges senate holds trial(I maybe wrong)
Veto, Pocket Veto, and if the Senate or House rejects.
As part of the Legislative Branch, the Senate has the power to override a veto from the President. The Senate also has to approve treaties negotiated by the Executive Branch. The Senate also approves some appointments by the President, like federal judges, members of the Supreme Court, and ambassadors to other nation s. The Senate also acts as the "jury" during impeachment of a president. It checks the President by requesting monthly reports from the White House about the President's actions.
Impeachment and 2/3 vote to overrule veto.
No, The president does not make the law, he only has the power to pass, veto, or suggest a law. the group of people who make the laws and run them through the president is the Senate. Also, if the president vetoes the law, the senate can overthrow his decision if 2/3 of the senate vote for the law to pass.
== == 1. The Supreme Court can declare a law passed by the House and Senate and signed by the President to be unconstitutional. 2. The President can veto a law passed by the House and Senate. 3. The House and Senate can override the President's veto with a 2/3 vote.
The president has 100% veto power and can shut down anything.The vice president has 3/4 veto power. A vice presidential veto can be overridden by a 75% vote of the house or senate.
Bills can't be passed without the president's involvement on some level. The president signs it, or vetoes it. If Congress over-rides the veto, the bill becomes law no matter what the president does. In that case the president cannot exercize another veto.