

Best Answer >>the second is the most famous black regiment. However, a few slaves fought for the south as well, but your history books won't tell you about them.

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Actually slaves caught back in many occasions it's just not mentiond as much in history

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Q: Did slaves fight back
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How did slaves fight back?

slaves rebelled by stealing the owners weapons etc..

Why are people being slaves?

Because people are to scared to fight back.

Why do you think that free blacks and former slaves volunteered to fight for the Union?

Because they wanted revenge to fight back to the confederacy.To end slavery.

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they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships

Why did South Africa seek independence?

they made the people feel like slaves. they try to fight back but they get killed for doing it.

Did most slaves fight because their owner wanted to or because they wanted to fight for their freedom?

some slaves fought because they wanted to but some were forced to fight!

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yes the man would be allowed to make his slaves fight actually he has the power to do anything

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Many Southerners believed that slaves were property, and property cannot have a gun, fight, or kill people. Sometimes blacks did fight for the Confederacy, however

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