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They demanded representation in the Roman senate. When the Patricians refused, they left Rome. As they constituted the army, and the city was undefended, the Patricians had to concede and the Plebs gained one of the two Consuls each year. As ex-consuls gained a seat in the Senate, their proportion grew each year. Then they established a Plebeian Assembly from which the Patricians were excluded, so they had a majority in the Centuriate Assembly, the Tribal Assembly and their own Plebeian Assembly, each of which had separate powers which in total encompassed all powers..

When the civil wars progressed through the 1st Century BCE, the Patricians suffered heavy casualties, and ceased to exist as a political force, the title becoming honorific.

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7y ago
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14y ago

The Plebeians used a few tactics such as riots and civil unrest and strikes. When they refused to join the army, the Patricians relaized that they, themselves did not have enough manpower to defend their territories, so it was a main reason for the Patricians to grant certain rights to the Plebeians.

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12y ago

In the early Republic there were several tactics: agitations, refusals to join the levy, secessions, the creation of a state within the state and the veto of plebeian tribunes and their inviolability.

The plebeians often went to the forum for protest gatherings. The refusal to join the levy was a powerful tool. In the early days Rome's army was a citizen militia. Middling and small propertied men formed the infantry and had to supply their weapons and equipment at their expense. They were called up for a military campaign. The refusal or threat to refuse to join the levy was a serious security problem because at that time Rome was under constant attack by at least two peoples, the Aequi and the Volsci.

The plebeian movement started with the 1st plebeian secession in 494 BC. They left Rome and went to a nearby hill, threatening to found a new and separate city. This was a reaction against the refusal by the patrician-controlled state to meet their demand for protection against the abuse of defaulting debtors by creditors who could imprison them, torture them or sell them as slaves. They formed their own assembly (the plebeian council) and leaders, the plebeian tribunes. The secession made the boycott of the levy more effective as the plebeians were away for the pressure that could be exerted on them in Rome to join the levy.

When the plebeians returned to Rome they formed a state within the state. They turned the Aventine Hill into their own jurisdiction where they made their own decisions independently for the Roman state through their deliberations in the plebeian council and through direct action. Thus, the secession started a breakaway movement.

With the 1st secession the plebeians gained recognition of their council and tribunes. The tribunes had the power to veto actions by public officials deemed to be against the interests of the plebeians. The tribunes were also made sacrosanct (inviolable). Under Roman customs someone who harmed a sacrosanct person could be killed with immunity from prosecution. This has been described as a 'lynch law'. It was established because the plebeians vowed that they would kill anyone who harmed their tribunes.

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12y ago

yes because they couldnt even vote or work in the goverenment or marry rich people

they had to be poor like them.

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12y ago

They entered war with the patricians.

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fleuvrz m

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3y ago


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Elian Collins

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3y ago
great answer tyy

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11y ago

they traded

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Q: G What method did the plebeians use to pressure the patricians to give them more political power?
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An early method that was used against the plebeian movement was to obstruct proposals for laws which would protect the plebeians from arbitrary use of power. One such law (the Lex Terentilia) was obstructed and delayed for twelve years. However, the pressure of plebeian agitations led to concessions. Successive new laws gave the leaders of the plebeian movement access to all offices of state which had previously been exclusively patrician. Another method was to pay one of the plebeian leaders (plebeian tribunes) to lobby against another tribune who was advancing a reform or to veto such proposals. The senate was used to block new legislation favourable to the plebeians by objecting to it on the ground of technicalities. This power was removed by reforms. Later on in the history of the Republic murder was another method that was used. Tiberius Gracchus who promoted a land reform which would redistribute land to poor peasants and the landless was assassinated. The same happened ten years later to his brother Gaius who took up that cause again. Not all patricians were opposed to plebeian advancement. There were liberal patricians who supported it.

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The groups that controlled the Roman republic differed with the times. Originally the patricians were the power in control, then it seemed that the plebeians were in control as they forced concessions from the patricians. During the consulships of Marius the equites controlled the courts and by this method could be said to be a group that controlled Rome. Sulla gave control back to the patricians in an effort to restore their status. However through all the years, no matter who seemed to be in office, Rome was run by a small tight clique of aristocratic families such as the Claudii and the Metalii.The groups that controlled the Roman republic differed with the times. Originally the patricians were the power in control, then it seemed that the plebeians were in control as they forced concessions from the patricians. During the consulships of Marius the equites controlled the courts and by this method could be said to be a group that controlled Rome. Sulla gave control back to the patricians in an effort to restore their status. However through all the years, no matter who seemed to be in office, Rome was run by a small tight clique of aristocratic families such as the Claudii and the Metalii.The groups that controlled the Roman republic differed with the times. Originally the patricians were the power in control, then it seemed that the plebeians were in control as they forced concessions from the patricians. During the consulships of Marius the equites controlled the courts and by this method could be said to be a group that controlled Rome. Sulla gave control back to the patricians in an effort to restore their status. However through all the years, no matter who seemed to be in office, Rome was run by a small tight clique of aristocratic families such as the Claudii and the Metalii.The groups that controlled the Roman republic differed with the times. Originally the patricians were the power in control, then it seemed that the plebeians were in control as they forced concessions from the patricians. During the consulships of Marius the equites controlled the courts and by this method could be said to be a group that controlled Rome. Sulla gave control back to the patricians in an effort to restore their status. However through all the years, no matter who seemed to be in office, Rome was run by a small tight clique of aristocratic families such as the Claudii and the Metalii.The groups that controlled the Roman republic differed with the times. Originally the patricians were the power in control, then it seemed that the plebeians were in control as they forced concessions from the patricians. During the consulships of Marius the equites controlled the courts and by this method could be said to be a group that controlled Rome. Sulla gave control back to the patricians in an effort to restore their status. However through all the years, no matter who seemed to be in office, Rome was run by a small tight clique of aristocratic families such as the Claudii and the Metalii.The groups that controlled the Roman republic differed with the times. Originally the patricians were the power in control, then it seemed that the plebeians were in control as they forced concessions from the patricians. During the consulships of Marius the equites controlled the courts and by this method could be said to be a group that controlled Rome. Sulla gave control back to the patricians in an effort to restore their status. However through all the years, no matter who seemed to be in office, Rome was run by a small tight clique of aristocratic families such as the Claudii and the Metalii.The groups that controlled the Roman republic differed with the times. Originally the patricians were the power in control, then it seemed that the plebeians were in control as they forced concessions from the patricians. During the consulships of Marius the equites controlled the courts and by this method could be said to be a group that controlled Rome. Sulla gave control back to the patricians in an effort to restore their status. However through all the years, no matter who seemed to be in office, Rome was run by a small tight clique of aristocratic families such as the Claudii and the Metalii.The groups that controlled the Roman republic differed with the times. Originally the patricians were the power in control, then it seemed that the plebeians were in control as they forced concessions from the patricians. During the consulships of Marius the equites controlled the courts and by this method could be said to be a group that controlled Rome. Sulla gave control back to the patricians in an effort to restore their status. However through all the years, no matter who seemed to be in office, Rome was run by a small tight clique of aristocratic families such as the Claudii and the Metalii.The groups that controlled the Roman republic differed with the times. Originally the patricians were the power in control, then it seemed that the plebeians were in control as they forced concessions from the patricians. During the consulships of Marius the equites controlled the courts and by this method could be said to be a group that controlled Rome. Sulla gave control back to the patricians in an effort to restore their status. However through all the years, no matter who seemed to be in office, Rome was run by a small tight clique of aristocratic families such as the Claudii and the Metalii.

What was the conflict of ordersnand what did the plebeians do in protest?

The Conflict of the Orders was between patricians (the aristocracy) and plebeians (the commoners, both rich and poor). It had two strands. It started with a rebellion of the poor plebeians whose grievances were economic, primarily indebtedness, the interest rates of loans and insufficient land for the peasants. The rich plebeians became the leaders of the movement and also had another agenda: power-sharing with the patricians. The patricians monopolised the seats of the senate and the consulship. Over time the rich plebeians obtained access to the consulship and other offices of state which had been created in the meantime. Through this they also gained access to the senate as former senior officers of state automatically gained a seat in the senate. They also gained access to some of the priesthoods. Thus the rich plebeians were co-opted into a patrician-plebeians oligarchy. They also were given equite (cavalryman) status. The equites were the second highest layer of society. At this point the rich plebeians turned their back on the poor, whose problems were never addressed properly. There were many agitations at the forum during this conflict. This was destabilising enough. However, main bargaining chip of the plebeians was the threat to boycott the levy. This was very serious during the early stages of the conflict because Rome as often under attack by neighbouring peoples. Another method was to disrupt the electoral process. Two plebeian tribunes (leaders of the plebeian movement) managed to block the election of the consuls for five years (375 BC to 371 BC) to put pressure to allow the plebeians to gain access to the office of the consuls (the two annually elected heads of the Republic and the army). The plebeians also seceded four or five times. They left the city en masse, went to nearby hills and threatened to found a new city if their demands were met.

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When you have oil pressure, the light goes out, barring a malfunctioning pressure sender.

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