I would suggest checking the website of the Dixie Gun Works in Union TN, they have a large selection of parts for new and reproduction muskets. Whilst waiting for them to ship the part I might suggest making your own from quarter inch round brass stock with a tapped short peice of half inch oak dowell for the head. Works for us in the 54 MA USV (Colored)
Muskets were the weapon of choice but they also used bow-n-arrows.
Mumbai has a mayor-council type of government.
The same type it has now.
your moma
The type of Indians that were in the colonies include the Wampanoag's and Narragansett's. Other tribes include the Algonquin's and Powhatan.
Flintlock musket
It's a modified flintlock musket with some type of scope and tripod assembly mounted to it.
Just what is an 1831 Springfield? That could be marked on a model 1816 US flintlock musket, Type II or Type III. You will have a hard time finding parts, but you might check internet site like oldguns.net or antiqueguns.com. You might have a chance of finding some at a large gun show.
The musket of choice was the .69 Caliber, model 1766 Charleville flintlock musket which represented the State of the Art in military firearms. The US Model 1795 musket was a direct knock-off of the French weapon with production of about 150,000 weapons produced at Springfield and at Harpers Ferry.
A flintlock firearm uses a springloaded hammer with a flint attached to strike against a hinged steel plate in order to shower sparks into a shallow pan filled with a small amount of black powder in order to ignite (shoot) a weapon. They were originally invented in Germany in the middle 1600's and were the standard military weapon (musket) from that time until about 1830 when they were replaced by the percussion Cap system. The flintlock musket is the weapon prominent in the American Revolution and the Napoloenic Wars. Usually loaded through the muzzle with tha aid of a ramrod, a slow and cumbersome process.
There were matchlocks before flintlocks. They used a slow burning string, something like a fuse. The "hammer" held this in a clamp and when the trigger was pulled the lit "match" touched the priming powder in the pan (with any luck) firing the gun.
At the time of Miles Standish, the standard firearm was a large caliber matchlock musket. This used a slow smoldering length of cord (the match) to ignite a powder charge, and was replaced by the flintlock. This is a link to an article on the matchlock musket- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matchlock
Mainly flintlock smoothbore muskets, with a few flintlock rifles. There were also flintlock pistols and "fowling pieces"- shotguns.
Yes, flintlock type
flintlock rifle
That would be a pretty safe bet. The matchlock musket was replaced with the flintlock, which was replaced by the cartridge rifle, replaced by the repeating rifle, replaced with the semi auto rifle, and so on. But the next major change is likely to be in the type of ammunition used.
Flintlock or cannon type weaponry.