modern historians usually try to determine what stories are true and false depending on whether or not there are multiple stories. In the case of the Gospels in the catholic bible, the people who put The Bible together decided what went in because of what each story said meaning all 4 Gospels are historically accurate because they pretty much tell the same story (save for a few details)
P.s. this my first answer
A historian cites a series of secret Cartoons drawn while Germany occupied France during World War II in order to draw conclusions about an underground resistance movement. (APEX) !/
A certificate that is only valid within a certain region.
the person or persons who rule a country
If the president is acting according to law but someone believes the law in unconstitutional and sues and the Supreme Court takes the case, it would determine the constitutionality of the law. If the president is acting illegally and violating the constitution, it would be the responsibility of the House of Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against the president. The Senate would then determine whether the charges were valid grounds for dismissing the president from office.
Check to see that it is supported by historical evidence.
checking its conclusions against other sources
If the question is: A historian is writing a book about the fall of the Soviet Union. He claims that the country collapsed because it spent too much of its money on its military rather than providing domestic services to its people. What is the best way to determine whether the historian’s interpretation is valid? Then the answer would be: Corroborate the interpretation with other secondary sources.
evaluate the evidence used to support it
A historian writes an essay on the rise of communism in China during the 20th century. She claims that communism would never have taken hold in the country if the Soviet Union has not supplied the Chiese commuunists with money and military equipment.
Help geographers determine whether their ideas are valid.
Base Safety Office
You contact an attorney who specializes in real estate law who can determine if you have a valid claim.
Determine how many battles during WW2 took place near small farming towns. :)
Any collection agency can, in theory, sue you anywhere they can find you. Whether or not they have jurisdiction or a valid claim and whether you have defenses would depend upon the circumstances.
Substitute the coordinates of the point into the equation of the line. If the equation is still valid then the point is on the line; if not then it is not.
A valid claim in math is that you prove whenether the question or answer is resonable. in other words, you have to tell if it is biased or not biased. Biased is invalid claim.