i am doing a report on her and Mary mcCauly go her nick name at the battle of Manmouth IN NEW jersy when she carried out pitchers of water to soilders on June 28 the hottest day.so her nick name was molly pitcher hint pitcher
p.s i am in 5th grade so give me props to that lol
Mary Hays McCauley got her nickname at the battle of Manmouth in New Jersey when she carried out pitchers of water to soldiers on June 28 the hottest day.
Mary Ludwig Hayes McCauley's nickname was Molly Pitcher
Mary Hays McCauley had 6 kids namedFrankDawn,John,Bob,NicoleANDOlivia
she died of old age
How did Mary Ludwig Hays get her nickname "Molly Pitcher"? h
There are no pictures of Molly Pitcher carrying water to the soldiers. There are drawings of her doing so. Molly Pitcher's real name is Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley.
Mary Ludwig Hayes McCauley's nickname was Molly Pitcher
Mary Hays McCauley carried water in a pitcher to thirsty soldiers.
Mary Hays McCauley had 6 kids namedFrankDawn,John,Bob,NicoleANDOlivia
John McCauleyis Mary Ludwig hays second husband andWilliam mccauley was her first
Molly Pitcher
yes she did
Molly Pitcher
Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley :)
He is Mary Hays McCauley's Dad.
October 13th
Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley took water to soldiers by Pennsylvania Legislature in 1822. BBB333: At the battle of the Monmouth Courthouse
Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley's parents