

Best Answer

Which speech? Also, cocks. That is all.

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Q: How did cicero's speech reflect traditional roman values?
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How did the writings of enlightenment-era thinkers like john Locke and Montesquieu influence the American revolution?

These writings challenged traditional social, religious, and political values.

What is a traditional politics?

The proponents of the traditional view of politicswere Garner,Hobbes etc. according to the traditional view , politics is concerned with the study of government. the traditional view of politics neglects the scientific methods and do not intermingle politics with other social sciences.

Can you help me!!!!! Write a three-paragraph essay with the title The Tension Between Traditional Culture and Modernization in the Contemporary World. Be sure to address these questions?

No, we don't write essays for students. You need to do this . I will be glad to give you suggestions, but not do it for you. I suggest you do a Venn diagram to help you organize your thoughts. Your teacher is looking for critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson. Plus, 3 paragraphs is nothing. At some point you will have a 20 page term paper to do.

How did the writings of the enlightenment thinkers like John Locke and Montesquieu influence the Americans Revolution?

These writings challenged traditional social, religious, and political values.

Why are there crosscutting cleavages between liberals and conservatives in America?

There are crosscutting cleavages between liberals and conservatives because the issues that are causing these crosscutting cleavages are issues that liberals (people who are willing to disregard traditional values in politics) and conservatives (people who believe traditional values are important in politics) are debating over. They have opposite views over these matters. These crosscutting cleavages are based on race, ethnicity, religion, region, and education.

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Myths reflect __________ values and beliefs

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What are accurate statements about literary canons?

They reflect the values of those who compile themThey reflect the values of those who compile them

How did the writings of enlightenment-era thinkers like john Locke and Montesquieu influence the American revolution?

These writings challenged traditional social, religious, and political values.

Speech choir for Filipino work values?

A speech choir for Filipino work values could incorporate traditional Filipino values such as bayanihan (community cooperation), malasakit (empathy and concern), and sipag at tiyaga (diligence and perseverance). The performance can feature a series of speeches or recitations that highlight the importance of these values in the workplace and how they contribute to the success and harmony of an organization. Through creative delivery and synchronized movements, the speech choir can effectively convey the significance of these virtues in shaping a strong work ethic and fostering a positive work culture in a Filipino context.

How did shakespeare reflect renaissance values in his work?

he went from the religious renaissance values to the humanist medieval values

What makes something reflect?

Chemicals in certain objects can reflect certain values of visible light.

What is true of canons?

They reflect the values of those who compile them

What does a literary canon reflect of those who compiled it?


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What values reflect smoking?

i dont know srry

Which group supports a limited government and traditional values?

Conservatives like Republicans prefer limited government and traditional values.