Famous people started wearing something, and then other people started wearing that same style of thing. That's the answer.
Fashion cahnged by Martin Luther King Jr. He designed jeans. He loved them and the his wife Selena Gomez was a gold digger and married him.
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The original states fashion their constitions by spliting the contrys apart. I HoPe I AnSwErD yOuR QuEsTiOn <3 <3 <3
an agricultural surplus
Ofcourse. Saudi Arabia interesting in fashion and modern style and society is develop and modern
because of the pretty stone and designs and because it was a good fashion design to the Sumerians
well Being a fashion designer means knowing the understanding of: - the personal qualities required to become a fashion designer - the practical aspects of finding the right fashion design college - what you can expect to learn at fashion design college - the role and influence of clothing in today's global market - the full range of career oppotunities in the fashion industry - how the fashion industry really works - what happens in a fashion design studio - how to develop your own fashion design portfolio Also when in the fashion industry of apparel there are many niche to be revolved around such as: - Womenswear Design - Menswear Design - Fashion Textile Design - Knitwear Design - Childrenswear - Shoes - Sportswear - Lingerie - Fashion Accessories - Fashion Marketing - Fashion Merchandising well Being a fashion designer means knowing the understanding of: - the personal qualities required to become a fashion designer - the practical aspects of finding the right fashion design college - what you can expect to learn at fashion design college - the role and influence of clothing in today's global market - the full range of career oppotunities in the fashion industry - how the fashion industry really works - what happens in a fashion design studio - how to develop your own fashion design portfolio Also when in the fashion industry of apparel there are many niche to be revolved around such as: - Womenswear Design - Menswear Design - Fashion Textile Design - Knitwear Design - Childrenswear - Shoes - Sportswear - Lingerie - Fashion Accessories - Fashion Marketing - Fashion Merchandising
because of the pretty stone and designs and because it was a good fashion design to the Sumerians
Fashion can help students express their creativity and individuality, boost their self-confidence, and enhance their sense of belonging and identity within their peer groups. It can also help students cultivate their personal style and develop their ability to make fashion choices that reflect their personalities.
Well I think it would depend on the college but if you were attending a fashion college, the major would be fashion design but a four-year or a community college might have it under a different name. A great fashion college for fashion design is (FIDM)The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising in LA. The school has years and years of experience in the fashion industry and many famous fashion designers graduated from FIDM.
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The average fashion model receives his/her training on the job doing test shoots to develop their portfolios, headshots and comp cards early on in their careers. During this time they are able to work on their poses and performing in front of the camera. Their agents also provide them with runway walk training and helping them develop their walks and stage presence.
He liked fashion and had a sense of style. His designs in haute couture were in demand and he used these to develop a broader client base in the early 1950s.
JCPenny's and Nordstrom's seem to be popular stores that develop new lines every season to meet fashion trends. Walmart, Old Navy and 'ma and pop' plus size fashion stores might be worth shopping at also.
== Todays Fashion is more attractive and revealing then the fashion of 1960s.Todays Fashion is more attractive and revealing then the fashion of 1960s.Todays Fashion is more attractive and revealing then the fashion of 1960s.Todays Fashion is more attractive and revealing then the fashion of 1960s.Todays Fashion is more attractive and revealing then the fashion of 1960s.Todays Fashion is more attractive and revealing then the fashion of 1960s.Todays Fashion is more attractive and revealing then the fashion of 1960s.Todays Fashion is more attractive and revealing then the fashion of 1960s.Todays Fashion is more attractive and revealing then the fashion of 1960s.Todays Fashion is more attractive and revealing then the fashion of 1960s.Todays Fashion is more attractive and revealing then the fashion of 1960s.Todays Fashion is more attractive and revealing then the fashion of 1960s.Todays Fashion is more attractive and revealing then the fashion of 1960s.===
Fashion sketches or drawing skills in general are skills which requires frequent practice. When a person draw, the techniques and styles develops and improve. There are life art classes, which one can consider to take, it can help artists to get an idea of the anatomy. In the fashion industry there are often sketches of people wearing the clothes. Other than life art classes, there are some educational institutes that offer courses like fashion and textiles or design technology, which could help develop drawing skills and fashion sketches to build a portfolio for higher education.