Crocodile embryos do not have sex chromosomes (which determine the sex of a child in humans) and sex is not determined genetically in crocodiles. The sex of a crocodile is determined by temperature -- with males around 31.6 degrees Celsius (89 degrees Fahrenheit) and with females at slightly lower or higher temperature.
A Printe is the opposite gender of Printecess
The gender of a person is their sex - whether they are male or female, boy or girl.
Animals' gender is no different than a humans'. Animals can be male and female, just like we are.
The gender relations & class structure in classical China was that women worshipped their men and/or husbands and the class-more.
amendment 19
In general, female crocodiles tend to be more aggressive than male crocodiles, particularly when defending their nests and young. This behavior is observed across various species of crocodiles. However, individual temperament can vary among crocodiles regardless of gender.
The antonym of the noun 'gender' is genderlessness, a word for the state of having no gender.
There are no crocodiles in texas(they don't got there because they are afraid of the alligators)
Crocodiles can't open their mouths if you hold them shut. That's the only weakness I know of. Do you plan on fighting a crocodile anytime soon?
alligators........... think sorry i really don't know
i do know just not telling
No, crocodiles are not fish. Crocodiles are reptiles.
They are just called crocodiles because all crocodiles are cold-blooded. Although they are called crocodiles, there are different species of crocodiles.
their are lots of crocodiles endangered their are salt water crocodiles, crocodiles the crocodiles in india,alligaters and also caimans
dont know
Look for its Wangson
Estuarine Crocodiles and Salt Water Crocodiles!