This is perhaps the best question I have had the pleasure of answering since I began answering questions on Wikianswers. All just laws conform with nature. Gravity is a law and it conforms with nature. The laws that any given society will legislate are not all natural laws, far too many are positive laws (man made laws) and can become part of the problem they were intended to handle. Positive laws are not just laws, no matter how just they may appear. By the virtue of being a man made law as opposed to a discovered law is what makes these laws unjust. All laws discovered to be natural laws are just laws because they seek to protect the rights of the individual. It is that simple really. Murder is an abrogation and derogation of someones rights, there fore murder is wrong. Theft is an abrogation and derogation of someones rights and thus it is wrong. Prohibition of alcohol or prostitution are not just laws because they do not seek to protect the rights of the individual and quite clearly ignore certain rights in order to claim any legitimacy. Laws that attempt to prevent natural human behavior are unjust laws. Most people in the United States today would agree that any attempt to legislate against dancing would be an unjust law. In spite of that, there are multitudes of laws that function in the very same way that an anti-dancing law would and blatantly disregard the rights of the people.
no. with all the help he gets, and the fact that his workers don't let him out of his sight; he probably couldn't even if he wanted to, but he just cant, if he wants something, then his workers will get it to him legally. or tell him no eve. but he's not above the law just like anyother government worker
A law can't just be cancelled. It has to be replaced with another law. If you pay attention to what is happening with the health care law you can see the process of what happens.
one of the laws that can help you find a law that can tell you about nature is the laws of heredity. These laws explain how genes are inherited, but do not explain how genes work.
daughters in law (just add a "s" to daughter)Daughters in law is the answer. Some people think it is daughters in laws but it is not.Hope this has helped.Nessa xx
Concurrent Resolution. or just a resolution.
when it is true to your religion
just tell me in short ,causes of first marshal law in Pakistan
Just tell people about your problem and you should work through it if they really care about you...
well, you just say one of your members of family died
Depends on what the rule was. If it is minor you may just want to keep it to yourself, but if someone will get hurt or it breaks the law tell a supervisor.
tell me the application of pascal law for what it is find out
Yes, for record purposes, you have to tell the law school the previous school that you attended.
no. with all the help he gets, and the fact that his workers don't let him out of his sight; he probably couldn't even if he wanted to, but he just cant, if he wants something, then his workers will get it to him legally. or tell him no eve. but he's not above the law just like anyother government worker
the law
suck his schlong you just tell him you like him and admire him you just tell him you like him and admire him you just tell him you like him and admire him you just tell him you like him and admire him you just tell him you like him and admire him