The distance depends on your starting point. The flight distance from New York City to Paris, France is 3,635 miles. The flight distance from Los Angeles, CA to Paris, France is 5,666 miles.
Other countries that are allied with America include: England, France, and Canada.
Britain, France and America.
France, which was recently defeated, jumped at the opportunity to stab Britain in the back.
Paris/New York 3623 miles
Depends on where you're starting from. From America, sure. from central europe, not at all.
France has the highest tourist percentage and America is not far behind.
France does not like America.
How far is Pennsylvania from France in a plane
The region that France controlled is called SOUTH AMERICA
France is approximately 1,000-1,200 miles away from the equator. The equator passes through countries in Africa, South America, and Asia, making France relatively far from its location.
they had a government like America but America was and is still better then france
How far is the America from India
How far is the America from India
The region that France controlled is called SOUTH AMERICA
0 km, Belgium borders France (how far is Canada from the USA?)