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I'm truly sorry that no one has answered your question yet but i have the same question its for a project...

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it doesn't just kidding to find out go on

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maleno toc toc soy tu vesino ,,, lla encontraste esta ,,, pdt amo ale

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Q: How is government authority distributed in unitary federal and confederal systems?
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What form government is a compromise between a unitary state and a confederation?

The Federal System lies between the unitary and confederal systems of government.

The type of government that combines aspects of both unitary and confederal government is called?


Where are delegated powers are found?

Delegated powers are distributed authority in a federal system of government, so any federal system would have delegated powers.

Which word best describes the federal government that was created under the Articles of Confederation?

a confederal system

The relationship between the branches of government may take two basic forms which are called?

Federal and confederal

How was authority shared in a federal system of government?

the authority shared by how the government reviewed the federal systems

Is Canada federal confederal or unitary?

Its actually federal!

What is non-delegation of powers?

Non-delegation of powers refers to situations when, in a federal system of government, specific areas of authority are not distributed amongst the different levels of government explicitly.

Difference between federal form of government and unitory gove?

In a unitary government, all powers are concentrated in one central authority while in a federal government powers are distributed between the central and state governments. Both of them enjoy coordinate powers.

How is authority shared in a federal system of government?

How is authority shared in a federal system

How is authority shared in a federal system government?

How is authority shared in a federal system

Federal authority is...?

whenthe government uses its power to enforce laws