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With a democracy.

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Q: How is the idea of popular sovereignty expressed by citizens?
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Idea that states should have the final say on matters that affect their citizens?

popular sovereignty

How does the need to respect the laws of each state support the principle of popular sovereignty?

Popular sovereignty is the idea that the government is of the people. It means citizens are in power. Limited government stems from this idea that government is there to protect the people and popular sovereignty.

What idea was that Citizens of each new territory should be allowed to decide if they wanted to permit slavery?

Popular Sovereignty

What law in 1854 was devoted the principle of popular sovereignty?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 called for the citizens of a territory to vote on the issue of slavery before they applied for statehood. The idea was termed popular sovereignty.

What idea did the framers reject in favor of the principle of popular sovereignty?

The rejection of Kansas being a slave state by the farmers led to the principles of sovereignty. Freedom and rights became an important topic among the citizens.

What body has control when a society has popular sovereignty?

Popular sovereignty is the idea that government derives its power from the people.

What 19th century politician is most closely associated with the idea of popular sovereignty?

The Democratic senator from Illinois, Stephen Douglas is most associated with the idea of popular sovereignty. His Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 allowed citizens in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to vote on the slavery issue before the territory applied for statehood.

What party endorsed the idea of popular sovereignty?

The south!

What is the popular sovereignty and how does the constitution support the idea of popular sovereignty?

popular sovereignty is the belief that the legitimacy of the state is created by the will or consent of its people, who are the source of every political power and the constitution does support it.

Does Argentina'sconstitution guarantee popular sovereignty?

Yes, Argentina's constitution does guarantee popular sovereignty. Their constitution says that it will abide by the laws within popular sovereignty. This is the idea that people will govern themselves.

What is popular sovereignity?

Popular sovereignty is the idea that a democratic form of government gets its power (sovereignty) from the people (hence the "popular" part). For a more in-depth explanation, click on the link that says Popular Sovereignty.

Did the federalist or anti federalist have the idea of popular sovereignty?
