8 people were hiding. The Frank family, 2 daughters, and both parents. The local dentist mr. feffer, and another mr. and ms. vaan pels and their son peter. the franks and van daans entered the annex on June 29th 1940 and were later joined by the denist who anne refers to as mr. dussel in her diary.
The Van Pels joined the Franks in hiding on July 13, 1942
Margot Betti Frank
Basically because the Franks had been conquered by the Romans and had become part of the Roman Empire whereas the Germanic Tribes had not. Roman conquest brought peace and security to the land and trade was able to flourish. The Franks readily adapted to Roman culture and system of government which the Latin Christian Church continued after the fall of the Empire. The Germanic tribes however had no centralized government or even one single king.
Leopold & Loeb killed Bobby Franks resulting in the first so-called "Crime of the Century".
If you mean Gen. Tommy Franks: after retiring in 2003 he like many generals before him joined a consulting firm. In 2006 he partnered up with a firm called Innovative Decon Solutions. He lives in Rooseveld, Oklahoma. If you mean Gen. Frederick Franks of Gulf War fame, he retired in 1994. He is Chairman of the Veterans of Desert Storm Association, works as a consultant an sits on a few company Boards and gives lectures. As far as can be ascertained, he now lives in Naples, Florida.
Meip was arrested for helping the Franks
the secret annex
she had to hide for more than 3 years
because Adolf Hitler had wanted to get rid of the Jew's.
they hid from 1942 14 august to 1944 4 august - so 10 days short from 2 years
well i think it was somebody that a family member or a really close friend to them
Then Daan's were in the hideout, so they were in on it and it was at her fathers company.
well ann frank and her family hid in , her father otto franks office
Mr. Dussle did hide in the Secret Annex with the Franks. However he did not go into hiding at the same time the Franks did. The Franks went first, then the Van Daans, then Mr. Dussle became the 8th member several months later.
During the early 1940's, Nazi Germany was rounding up and killing all the Jews they could find, a process known today as the Holocaust. The Franks were a Jewish family and they did not wish to be killed.
2 years.