it takes about 100 or so years for it to start to grow back, but about 4000 for it to regain its native identity again!!!
More then 4000 BC. It is one of the longest lasting civilizations
There is no time limit on how far back the Federal government can go on a background check. Any criminal conviction can be looked at no matter how long ago it was.
No, John Langdon was against a Bill of Rights. He believed everyone had been debating long enough, and it was time for action. He argued that the Constituion was clear already, but his arguments failed.
It makes them grow in a row as opposed to randomly scattered. This is because plants usually grow where seeds are placed. There are, of course, exceptions to this theory. For example, flying seeds. However, anyone planting crops is likely to sow non-flying varieties of seeds.
There is no right answer to this question. Its called open-ended for a reason. Seriously, you can write anything you want, so long as you can back it up.
Unless new trees, or in the very least, new seeds were planted back, the forest will be as good as gone. But, if some new ones are planted, trees usually take decades to grow and mature into the tall ones you see in forests.
Actually, unless the rain forest is cleared there are no crops in the forest. The soil of the rain forest is not good for growing crops once the land is cleared of trees. The ecosystem of the rain forest is a special place. Some do try to clear the forest and plant crops like potatoes and coffee beans, but it is hard to sustain them for long periods of time.
in the forest when there is a forest fire, not long after, the ash helps the new plants grow
Forest owners are certified by an independent source as having sustained their forest--that is, no clear-cutting or other practices harmful to the long-term health of the forest.
As long as it takes for your hair to grow back when you have a haircut.
I'm assuming you are asking how long it will take a forest to grow back from destruction, and by first stage I'm assuming there is already saplings planted. It takes the trees up to five years to reach the second stage, established growth, and up to 50 years for the trees to fully mature. For the forest to reach its original state, however, it can take hundreds of years for everything to grow back and the trees to be as massive.
They always grow back,silly!!:)
How long it takes a little bit of alopecia to grow back varies depending on the person. It can take days to weeks to grow back.
i let it grow then comb it back and just let it grow
It takes about a month for a news layer to grow back
Giant bamboo plants can grow up to 8 inches long.