What are good facts about the battle of the euthaw springs
IN my dispatch of the 25th of August I informed your Excellency, that we were on our march for Friday Ferry, to form a junction with the State troops and a body of militia collecting at that place, with an intention to make an attack upon the British army laying at Col. Thompson, near McCord Ferry. On the 27th, on our arrival near Friday Ferry, I got intelligence that the enemy were retiring.
General Marion joined us on the evening of the 7th, at Burdell plantation, 7 miles from the enemy camp.
We made the following disposition, and marched at 4 o'clock the next morning to attack the enemy. Our front line was composed of four small battalions of militia, two of North and two of south Carolinians; one of the latter was under the immediate command of Gen. Marion, and was posted on the right, who also commanded the front lineThe Legion and State troops formed our advance, and were to retire upon the flanks upon the enemy forming. In this order we moved on to the attack. The Legion and State troops fell in with a party of the enemy horse and foot about four miles from their camp, who mistaking our people for a party of militia charged them briskly, but were soon convinced of their mistake by the reception they met with, the infantry of the State troops kept up a heavy fire, and the Legion in front under Captain Rudolph charged them with fixed bayonets, they fled on all sides, leaving four or five dead on the ground, and several more wounded. As this was supposed to be the advance of the British army, our front line was ordered to form and move on briskly in line, the Legion and State troops to take their position upon the flanks. All the country is covered with timber from the place the action began to the Eutaw Springs. The firing began again between two and three miles from the British camp. The militia were ordered to keep advancing as they fired. The enemy advanced parties were soon driven in, and a most tremendous fire began on both sides from right to left, and the legion and state troops were closely engaged. General Marion, Col. Malmady and Gen. Pickens conducted the troops with great gallantry and good conduct, and the militia fought with a degree of spirit and firmness that reflects the highest honor on this class of soldiers. But the enemy fire being greatly superior to ours, and continuing to advance, the militia began to give ground. The North Carolina brigade under Gen. Sumner was ordered up to their support. These were all new levies, and had been under disciplined little more than a month; notwithstanding which they fought with a degree of obstinacy that would do honour to the best of veterans; and I could hardly tell which to admire most, the gallantry of the officers, or the bravery of the troops. They kept up a heavy and well directed fire, and the enemy returned it with equal spirit, for they really fought worthy of a better cause, and great execution was done on both sides. In this stage of the action the Virginians under Lieut. Col. Campbell, and the Maryland troops under Col. Williams, were led on to a brisk charge with trailed arms, through a heavy cannonade and a shower of musket balls. Nothing could exceed the gallantry and firmness of both officers and soldiers upon this occasion --- they preserved their order, and pushed on with such unshaken resolution, that they bore down all before them. The enemy were routed in all quarters. Lieut. Col. Lee had with great address, gallantry and good conduct, turned the enemy left flank, and was charging them in rear at the same time the Virginia and Maryland troops were charging them in front. A most valuable officer Lieut. Col. Henderson got wounded early in the action, and Lieut. Col. Hampton, who commanded the State cavalry, and who fortunately succeeded Lieut. Col. Henderson in command, charged a party of the enemy, and took upwards of 100 prisoners.
We kept close at the enemy heels after they broke, until we got into their camp, and a great number of prisoners were continually falling into our hands, and some hundreds of the fugitives ran off towards Charlestown. But a party threw themselves into a three story brick house which stands near the Spring; others took post in a picquetted garden, and in the impenetrable shrubs; and the rear also being secured by the springs and deep hollow ways, the enemy renewed the action.
Every exertion was made to dislodge them: Lieut. Col. Washington made most astonishing efforts to get through the thicket to charge the enemy in the rear, but found it impracticable, had his horse shot under him, and was wounded and taken prisoner.
Washington failing in his charge upon the left, and the legion baffled in an attempt upon the right, and finding our infantry galled by the fire of the enemy, and our ammunition mostly consumed, though officers and men continued to exhibit uncommon acts of heroism, I thought proper to retire out of the fire of the house, and draw up the troops at a little distance from the woods, not thinking it advisable to push our advantages further, being persuaded the enemy could not hold the post many hours, and that our chance to attack them on the retreat was better than a second attempt to dislodge them, in which, if we succeeded, it must be attended with considerable loss.
We collected all our wounded, except such as were under the command of the fire of the house, and retired to the ground from which we marched in the morning, there being no water nearer, and the troops ready to faint with the heat and want of refreshment, the action having continued near four hours. I left on the field of action a strong picket, and early in the morning detached Gen. Marion, and Lieut. Colonel Lee with the legion horse between Eutaw and Charlestown, to prevent any reinforcements from coming to the relief of the enemy, and also to retard their march should they attempt to retire, and give time for the army to fall upon their rear, and put a finishing stroke to our successes. We left two pieces of our artillery in the hands of the enemy, and brought off one of theirs.
We pursued them as far as this place, but not being able to overtake them we shall halt a day or two to refresh, and then take our old position on the high hills of Santee. I think myself principally indebted for the victory we obtained to the free use of the bayonet made by the Virginians and Marylanders, the infantry of the legion, and Capt. Kirkwood; light infantry; and tho' few armies ever exhibited equal bravery with ours in general, yet the conduct and intrepidity of these corps were peculiarly conspicuous. Lieut. Col. Campbell fell as he was leading his troops to the charge, and tho' he fell with distinguished marks of honor, yet his loss is much to be regretted: He was the great soldier and the firm patriot.
Our loss in officers is considerably more from their value than their number, for never did either men or officers offer their blood more willingly in the service of their country. I cannot help acknowledging my obligations to Col. Williams for his great activity on this and many other occasions in forming the army, and for his uncommon intrepidity in leading on the Maryland troops to the charge, which exceeded any thing I ever saw. I also feel myself greatly indebted to Captains Pierce and Pendleton, Major Hyrne and Capt. Shubrick, my Aids de Camp, for their activity and good conduct throughout the whole of the action.
This dispatch will be handed to your Excellency by Capt. Pierce, to whom I beg leave to refer you for further particulars. I have the honor to be, with great respect,
Your Excellency most obedient,
and most humble servant,
A Revolutionary War battle near Charleston, South Carolina, that occurred on September 8, 1781.
Eutaw Springs in South Carolina was the scene of a battle during the Revolutionary War. Major General Nathaniel Greene led a Continental force of approximately 2,200 men. The British force was 2,000 strong and led by Colonel Alexander Stewart. The casualties for the two forces totaled in excess of 1,400 killed, wounded or captured.
Eutaw Springs was about a month before Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown. These two were the last major battles in the south. Eutaw Springs solidified Patriot control over almost all of South Carolina, leaving the British in possessin only of Charleston. That city, along with Wilmington, North Carolina and Savannah, Georgia, were the only places the British held in the south, even before the loss of an army at Yorktown. The British strategy of winning the war by conquering and pacifying the south had failed.
it is important cause of it was the biggest battle of the conflict in the revolutionary war and it was the first battle the Americans engaged.
The battle lasted for less than 1 day. The battle occurred on September 11, 1777.
These are some of the major battles of World War I on the western front. Battle of Liège, Battle of the Frontiers, First Battle of the Marne, First Battle of Ypres, Second Battle of Ypres, Second Battle of Artois, Second Battle of Champagne, Battle of Verdun, Battle of the Somme, Battle of Cambrai, German Spring Offensive of 1918 and then the Allied "Hundred Days" Offensive resulted in the collapse and capitulation of the German Empire.
For Eutaw Springs the British won that battle.
Battle of Eutaw Springs happened on 1781-09-08.
The Battle of Eutaw Springs was an event during the Revolutionary War. Eutaw Springs is in South Carolina.
The address of the Eutaw Area Chamber Of Commerce Trust Inc is: Po Box 31, Eutaw, AL 35462-0031
Eutaw Place Temple was created in 1892.
Eutaw Springs in South Carolina was the scene of a battle during the Revolutionary War. Major General Nathaniel Greene led a Continental force of approximately 2,200 men. The British force was 2,000 strong and led by Colonel Alexander Stewart. The casualties for the two forces totaled in excess of 1,400 killed, wounded or captured.
The answer is 1776 to be exact the beginnnig of it was the spring of 1776
It is in Alabama.
A battle was fought at Eutaw Springs, SC during the Revolutionary War. America fought against England in the Revolutionary War.
· Ellery, William (one of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence) · England · English · Eutaw Springs, Battle of
· Ellery, William (one of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence) · England · English · Eutaw Springs, Battle of