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Certainly five - Cleveland, Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Truman and Clinton. Six if you count Andrew Jackson, who belonged to a party that is only slightly related to the current Democratic party.

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Q: How many Democrat presidents have been re elected to office after serving one term?
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Do second term presidents still get inaugurated?

American presidents who are re-elected are required to repeat the oath of office.

How many presidents held political office before being elected president?

All but 4 of the 43 Presidents held an elected office before they were President. Those that did not were Taylor, Grant, Hoover and Eisenhower. George Washington did not serve any elected office under the US Constitution, but he was elected to serveral positions in the colonial government. Herbert Hoover was Secretary of Commerce which is a national office, but is not elected.

Who was the only president never to be elected into office?

There are several men who rose to the office of President of the US but were not elected to it. Gerald Ford is the only man who was not elected to either the office of President or Vice President though. Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Lyndon Johnson were all sworn in after the presidents they served under died.

Who shares the presidents term of office?

The Vice President of the United States shares the President's term of office. The President is elected along with the Vice President to serve 4 years.

Which presidents were zero factor?

The Zero Factor was a supposed "curse" by Native American chief Tecumseh. The presidents that are part of this speculation are William Henry Harrison, Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley, Warren G. Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy. The speculation was that all presidents elected in years ending in zero would die in office. Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980 and George W. Bush was elected in 2000. Neither died in office.

Related questions

How do presidents get into office?

he gets elected

Can presidents be elected to office twice?

Yes, they can be elected to two terms but not to three.

Democrat presidents killed in office?

Of the four assassinated Presidents, only John F. Kennedy was a Democrat. Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, and William McKinley were Republicans.

Was Robert tod Lincoln in politics?

Robert Todd Lincoln did not hold elected office. But he was in politics, serving as Secretary of War for US Presidents Garfield and US Ambassador to England under President Harrison . Because he was closely present at the time three US Presidents were assassinated, he vowed never to seek elected office thereafter.

How many presidents were never elected to office?

One; Ford.

How many fatherson presidents have been elected?

John Adams and John Quincy Adams were the first father-son Presidents elected into office.

What job did most of the presidents have before being elected into office?


What are three reasons why vice presidents became presidents?

The presidents either died or resigned, and their vice presidents took office, or the vice presidents were elected on their own.

How many Republican presidents have been reelected to office after serving one term?

6 or 8 , depending on how you count. Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, Eisenhower, Nixon and George W. Bush was re-elected after a full term. Theodore Roosevelt and Coolidge were re-elected after serving a partial term.

What happen to bring his presidency to a end?

Some presidents are elected to two four year terms and leave office at the end of their term in office. Some presidents are elected to one four year term and leave at the end. The other presidents died in office, except Richard Nixon who was forced to resign.

Who was elected president without holding an elected office before?

Presidents who did not hold elected office before they were President are Zachary Taylor, Ulysses Grant, Herbert Hoover and Dwight Eisenhower.

What is the order of the presidents who have died in office were elected or reelected in precisely 20-year intervals?

Seven of the Eight U.S. presidents who have died in office were elected or reelected in precisely 20- year intervals. Name them in Chronological order.