Specifically mentioned, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. However, if you have to punch in this question to wikianswers, you have a problem
Native Americans, slaves and women were the groups that were unrepresented in the Declaration of Independence. Even though the United States was supposedly born in the name of freedom and equality, it took many years for those groups to be granted equal rights.
The Declaration of Independence was difficult because many people did not agree with it. It was meaningful because it declared independence from Britain.
There are 56 signatures on the Declaration of Independence.56.Name_the_people_who_signed_the_Declaration_of_Independence
There are many readable copies of the Declaration of Independence online, for anyone to view. It can be found by going to google, and searching "Declaration of Independence" and then go to the Wikipedia site, it tells everything about this.Ê
Thomas Jefferson, the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence, although he was a slave holder, and the Declaration had many parts taken out in order to get the Continental Congress to approve it.
The Declaration of Independence did nothing to the Constitution or Bill of Rights since it came before those documents. It did serve as a starting point for many of the concepts the Constitution and Bill of Rights used.
There are many rights from the Declaration of Independence including the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Other rights include the right to life which is considered to be inalienable.
The Declaration of Independence is very important because it is the document that founded America. It freed the colonies from Britain. The Declaration of Independence was a document that many people worked on to ensure that either the government of England respect their rights, or they overthrow the government.
they would not have many rights
before the declaration the colonists had the right to rebel against Brittan, but when the declaration was written they had many more rights and much more independence.
Native Americans, slaves and women were the groups that were unrepresented in the Declaration of Independence. Even though the United States was supposedly born in the name of freedom and equality, it took many years for those groups to be granted equal rights.
john Locke argued that individuals had divinely granted rights as well as many others in history. These rights are included in the Unites State's Declaration of Independence as well The United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
America sent the Declaration of Independence to England.
The Declaration of Independance grants Americans their inalienable rights. Those are the rights to life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness. However, many scholars fail to realize that the Declaration also grants Americans the right to over throw their government should the government become destructive to our inalienable rights.
Declaration of IndependenceThe United States Declaration of Independence was influenced by the 1581 Dutch Republic declaration of independence, called the Oath of Abjuration. The Kingdom of Scotland's 1320 Declaration of Arbroath was undoubtedly also an influence as the first known formal declaration of independence. Jefferson is also thought to have drawn on the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which had been adopted in July 1776.
they were mad at the declaration of independence because there were many taxes
its what gave us our independence from england