Thomas Jefferson, the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence, although he was a slave holder, and the Declaration had many parts taken out in order to get the Continental Congress to approve it.
The Declaration of Independence is best described as a statement of democratic principles.
Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. Five men from the Constitutional Convention were delegated as a committee to write it. They were John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Robert R. Livingston, and Roger Sherman.
Thomas Jefferson was both one of the youngest delegates to the continental congress and the primary author of the declaration of independence. Benjamin Franklin and John Adams also served on the committee for the declaration but Jefferson was told by Adams the he (Jefferson) was the best writer of all of them.
The Declaration of Independence could be described in may ways. There is no "best" one.It was a statement of American existenceIt was a statement of American identityIt was, and still is a statement of American hope for the country and for the people.And, of course, it can be described as a statement of American independence - the very reason for the existence of the document.
They serve as the inspiration for the philosophical beliefs promoted in the declaration
Thomas Jefferson, who was a brilliant writer, was chosen to write the Declaration of Independence.
we the people
The Declaration of Independence is best described as a statement of democratic principles.
Thomas Jefferson Because he wanted to give the 13 American colonies Independence from Britain. Also because he had to because he was the youngest, best writer and from Virginia because they are the leaders for the Revolution.
Governments exist to protect the people who created them :)
Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. Five men from the Constitutional Convention were delegated as a committee to write it. They were John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Robert R. Livingston, and Roger Sherman.
He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, a Founding Father, and is widely considered to have been one of our best presidents.
The Declaration of Independence
why black people r the best
it's about gaining their and our independence list of grievances against the king of England
The Best AnswerIt held the first and second continental congresses, was where the Declaration of Independence was signed, and it was where the Constitution was signed as well.BBBLLLAAAAHHH