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"In the general election, however, you may not make any contributions to the campaigns of Democratic or Republican nominees who receive Federal funds. (Federal funding in the general election takes the form of direct government grants rather than matching payments.) You may nevertheless designate a contribution of up to $2,400 to the candidate's compliance fund, a special account used to pay for certain legal and accounting expenses. You may also contribute up to $2,400 to the general election campaign of any Presidential candidate who is not a Federally funded Democratic or Republican nominee."



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15y ago

Contribution Limits 2009-10: ? To each candidate or candidate committee per election To national party committee per calendar year To state, district & local party committee per calendar year To any other political committee per calendar year Special Limits Individual
may give $2,400 $30,400 $10,000
(combined limit) $5,000

$115,500 overall biennial limit:

  • $45,600 to all candidates
  • $69,900 to all PACs and parties
National Party Committee
may give $5,000 No limit No limit $5,000 $42,600 to Senate candidate per campaign State, District & Local
Party Committee
may give $5,000
(combined limit) No limit No limit $5,000
(combined limit) No limit PAC
may give $5,000 $15,000 $5,000
(combined limit) $5,000 No limit PAC
(not multicandidate)
may give $2,400 $30,400 $10,000
(combined limit) $5,000 No limit Authorized Campaign Committee may give $2,000 No limit No limit $5,000 No limit
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14y ago

To candidate: $2,400 max

To political party: $5,000 max

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12y ago

2000 2002-dollars, adjusted for inflation, per candidate per election cycle

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$2,000 or less. But if you donate more than $200, you will be reported to show who donated how much money.

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15y ago

About 7,000,000 dollars

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Q: How much can a individual contribute to a presidential campaign?
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