a doctors vist normally cost 4000 dollars. if it was a specialty doctor, like for a heart condition or strokes, they would normally be upwards of 100,000 dollars.
Back in my day, you could get a licorice stick for a penny.
There is not a charge in order to visit Independence Hall. You can pick up the tickets free of charge at the visitor's center.
I think it was about 50 cents to 2 $, there was time when women use to sew the sack of flour and wear them so the flour companies decided to use color prints on the sack so that they have colorful dresses to wear.
1. Bailout is a mechanism to strengthen banks' balance sheet so that their credit rating will not deteriorate thus not requiring to pledge additional asset to creditors. 2. It is also a mechanism to safeguard banks from panic withdrawal from depositors. Bailout comes at a cost (a very huge cost), in dollar term, it was estimated that the whole bailout plan will cost every man, woman and children in the US $2,300. For more information, visit: http://leonardatavism.blogspot.com/2008/09/some-thoughts-for-us-bailout-plan.html for
Charging the cost of using fully depreciated machinery to the cost unit
it costed 50 billion dollars to have a baby because they needed baby money
In the 1930's sugar had cost 50 cents a pound.
They cost
The average cost of a house in 1930 was 7,145.00. The average income in this same year was 1,970.00. A new car cost 670.00.
What cost $1 in 1940 would cost you $15.13 now.
Surprisingly, the cost of a Grand Piano in the 1930'S was about a grand ($1,000.00).
In the US, if not covered by insurance, a routine visit to the doctor can cost between $60 and $200 dollars. This will vary depending on the location of the doctors office and his own overheads. Some Doctors offer a reduced price service in needy areas.
The average price of a house in 1930 was $7145.00
20.00 was the 1st answer by someone but its not correct. The answer is closer to $5.00 for one office call. It was only $20.00 in 1975 in most areas in Oregon.
The average cost of a house in 1930 was 7,145.00. The average income in this same year was 1,970.00. A new car cost 670.00.
The cost of producing Mickey & Minnie Mouse dolls in 1930 was thirty-five cents.
* on average about $640 in 1930 *on average about $700 in 1939