this varies according to the president's wishes. in Reagan's first year as president, he held 36 cabinet meetings but Clinton only held 6 in his first year.
cabinet meetings in the usa are not nearly as important or regular as cabinet meetings in the UK.
The frequency of meetings between the President and his cabinet can vary depending on the administration and current events. Traditionally, the full cabinet meets with the President once a week during normal times. However, during times of crisis or significant decision-making, these meetings can occur more frequently. Additionally, smaller groups or individual cabinet members may meet with the President on a more regular basis to discuss specific issues or policies.
The President's Cabinet.
The role of the Cabinet in policy making is dependent on the President. The Cabinet's role is to advise the President. -Phillip Lorio
inner circle--> attorney general, secretaries of state, treasury, and defense
yes, the president appoints the cabinet and the senate aproves it
The heads of 15 executive departments make up the Cabinet. The cabinet helps the president make decisions , gives advice and provides information to the President . The cabinet secretaries also manage their departments and help or hurt the president by the kind of job they do with their departments. The departments of state, justice, treasury and defense are particularly important to the administration. The others are often appointed as much for political reasons as for their expertise in the area of their department. At the president's discretion, the vice-president may be asked to attend cabinet meeting and carry out assignments for the president.
In the United States it is the President's job to determine how often the cabinet meet. The President also determines when they will meet.
There is no set schedule for full cabinet meetings and the cabinet has become so large that full meetings are not likely to be very productive. Obama does not call a cabinet meeting very often. Individual secretaries meet with the president as is needed or when called in by the president.
That depends on the Secretary and the President, Obama meets with his cabinet weekly and the meetings are increased when needed.
There is a room in the White House that is designed for cabinet meetings.
yes- there is a cabinet meeting room in the White House. of course, cabinet member can also meet with the president on other occasions.
The group of advisers that meet with the US president are collectively called the cabinet.
whenever the president determines that its necessary
every decade
Once a week.
A President and his cabinet meet and work closely together. The members of the cabinet will make suggestions and offer assistance in helping make the hard decisions.
Cabinet members can meet with the president, can discuss issues at cabinet meetings, and send memos to the president. The frequency of meetings depends on the president and the circumstances .
This is a leading question -- I have not read anything about conflicts in the President's cabinet. In past years, cabinet members have had disagreements for various reasons. Cabinets members used to meet more often so there was more opportunity for personality conflicts.