Arizona's Legislature meets annually. Up until 1950, it used to meet twice a year. The Arizona State Legislature was established in 1912 when Arizona became a state.
Washington's State legislature meets every January on the second Monday for 105 days Source: book "Washington, In the Pacific Northwest"
The Electoral College does not meet as one body, but rather the electors for each state meet in the chamber designated for that purpose in each state. In most states, the electors meet in that state's legislature building. The electors of each state follow their own rules of procedure, whereby an appointed secretary usually counts the votes cast orally. However, technically there are 51 different procedures (50 states + District of Columbia).
Are you thinking of Nebraska, which has a unicameral legislature? That means there is only one house. Every other state has two houses, just like the US Congress. The upper house is usually called the Senate, but the lower house may be called the Assembly (in NY), the House of Delegates (in VA), or whatever.
evry 5 years
on monday
By the Adams Onis Treaty.
A bicameral legislature, by definiton, meets once every two years.
This depends on where you live.
group that make the law for the state
It meets biannually.
Arizona's Legislature meets annually. Up until 1950, it used to meet twice a year. The Arizona State Legislature was established in 1912 when Arizona became a state.
At the West Virginia State Capitol in Charleston.
There are 40 state senators and 125 state representatives in the Kansas state legislature.
Washington's State legislature meets every January on the second Monday for 105 days Source: book "Washington, In the Pacific Northwest"
They meet every other year