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The parliament interpreted the colonists reactions in one way. The parliament agreed to let the colonies have representation in the Parliament.

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Q: How would parliament have interpreted the colonists reactions?
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Why did parliament think colonists should be willing to pay the stamp act taxes?

stamp tax money would be used to defend the colonies

Why did the colonists criticize the stamp act as taxation without representation?

The fundamental argument against Parliament's taxation was that since the colonies did not receive representation in Parliament, they should not be taxed. The colonists had lobbied for representation for years, without success. As a result, the sudden levying of taxes by Parliament was totally unexpected, and angered the colonists. Although the taxes levied differed, this was the fundamental argument for all of them, including the Stamp Act.

Which colonists would have been unlikely to have grievances against the British government by April 1775?

none, all colonists were highly and strictly against all the undecided taxation rules the british had layed upon the colonists without it being even addressed in the Parliament.

What caused the American colonists' break with Great Britain?

Attempts by the British Parliament, with the support of the King, to exercise legislative powers over the colonies, particularly the power to tax, which had not been effectively exercised previously in colonial history. The colonists were used to making their own laws, and setting their own taxes, through their own elected legislatures. Since they had no representation in Parliament, Parliament's claim to be able to legislate and tax then itself, and enforce those laws with officers answerable to it rather than the colonies, meant the colonists would have no effective means of exercising and protecting their rights. Parliament could undo any of their laws and and tax them into utter poverty on a whim. When Parliament would not acknowledge the justice of the colonists grievances, and it became apparent that the king completely supported the parliament, the colonists decided to declare independence. For a more detailed accounting of just what the colonists were concerned about, read the Declaration of Independence, not just the first few lines that everybody memorizes in school, but the whole thing. Jefferson gives a long list of charges against the king and Parliament showing why the king was a tyrant unfit to rule.

The colonists rebelled against the stamp act because?

The Stamp Act of 1765 was imposed by the British Parliament on the colonies of North America to pay for the seven years war. The British Govermment thought that the Colonies would benefit from the Military presence and therefore should pay for a portion of the expence. There were no colonists elected to the British Parliament and so for Parliament to tax the colonists was seen as a violation of the British Constitution. The British Constitution guaranteed that British subjects should not be taxed without their consent. So this tax was a violation of the Constitutiuon. The colonists rebelled and declared - 'no taxation without representation'. The colonists rebelled with force and the Act could not be imposed and was repealed 17th March 1766

Related questions

What acts of the British Parliament caused the colonists to rebel?

the answer is because Boston would be punished and the parliament decided to close the port of Boston until the colonists paid for their tea . In which the colonists called parliments actions the Intolerable Acts.

Why did colonists think a ban on trade would force parliament to repeal the Intolerable Acts?

Trade with the colonies was economically important to Great Britain. The colonists thought the economic implications would be enough for the British Parliament to repeal the Intolerable Acts.

Why did parliament think colonists should be willing to pay the stamp act taxes?

stamp tax money would be used to defend the colonies

What act did parliament pass in place of the stamp act?

so that the colonists would know that the king was in charge

What right under the form of government did colonists cherish above all?

The American colonists wanted to have representation in the British parliament so they would have a voice regarding taxation. This was to the British, a privilege they would not support.

Were the colonists justified in their list of grievances?

Yes, the colonists were justified. They had been asking for Parliament representation for a decade, without results. The actions of Parliament was retaliatory, and created resentment that had not previously existed in the colonies. Diplomacy probably would have curtailed the revolution. However, Parliament attempted to subjugate rather than negotiate.

What if Parliament and King George the third had implemented a more agreeable policy with colonists?

Then we would still be with our "Mother Country"

What was the rusult of the French and Indian War?

British parliament thought the colonists should pay the cost of the war that is why the British parliament thought this war that the french would win in the war.

What right under the British form of government did colonists cherish above all?

The American colonists wanted to have representation in the British parliament so they would have a voice regarding taxation. This was to the British, a privilege they would not support.

What year did the Intolerable Acts start?

1774first, parliament shut down the port of Boston, and no ship could enter or leave the harbor. the harbor would stay closed until the colonists could pay british taxes.after that, parliament didnt let Massachusetts colonists to hold town meetings more than once a year without the governor's permission.thirdly, parliament said that officers and other officials who were accused of crime had to be tried in Britain, not Massachusetts.lastly, parliament passed a quartering act, in which colonists were forced to house british troops in their homes.

How might have England been able to successfully enforce its rule on the colonies without causing rebellion?

With a really good King or Queen and a bunch of loyal followers.

Why did the colonists criticize the stamp act as taxation without representation?

The fundamental argument against Parliament's taxation was that since the colonies did not receive representation in Parliament, they should not be taxed. The colonists had lobbied for representation for years, without success. As a result, the sudden levying of taxes by Parliament was totally unexpected, and angered the colonists. Although the taxes levied differed, this was the fundamental argument for all of them, including the Stamp Act.