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" {| ! 1 | Vice President and President of the Senate Joe Biden ! 2 | Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi ! 3 | President pro tempore of the Senate Robert Byrd ! 4 | Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton "


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If the secretary of state dies the congress men quickly finds a new president

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The oath of office has never been required, but it is formal and traditional to take the oath of office.

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no, the vice president does

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Q: If a President dies in office does the Secretary of State automatically become acting President?
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How many presidents served as secretary of state after being president?

No ex-president has later become a Secretary of State- six have moved up from Secretary of State to president, however.

Could the secretary of defense become president if all the predecessors die?

Technically, if every member of the presidential branch died, the secretary of defense COULD become the president of the United States

Who replaces the president?

First the Vice President, then the Speaker of the House, then the President pro tempore of the Senate, then the Secretary of State, then the Secretary of the Treasury, then the Secretary of Defense, then the Attorney General, then the Secretary of the Interior, then the Secretary of Agriculture, then the Secretary of Commerce, then the Secretary of Labor, then the Secretary of Labor, then the Secretary of Health and Human Services, then the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, then the Secretary of Transportation, then the Secretary of Energy, then the Secretary of Education, then the Secretary of Veteran Affairs, and then the Secretary of Homeland Security.

Who would be the last cabinet secretary to become president?

The most recent Cabinet member to become U. S. President was Herbert Hoover, who served as Secretary of Commerce from 1921 until 1928. (The most recent Cabinet member to become U. S. Vice President was Dick Cheney, who served as Secretary of Defense from 1989 until 1993.)

Who would become the president if Condoleezza Rice died if she was the president?

If she were already President, then her Vice President would become president. If you are asking who is next in the line of succession following the Secretary of State, see below: Following the normal line of succession (adopted by Congress in 1947) and assuming that the office positions were vacated due to death during a current presidential term, the succession to the oval office would be: # President # Vice President # Speaker of the House # President Pro-Tempore of the Senate # Secretary of State # Secretary of the Treasury # Secretary of Defense # Attorney General If the line of succession indeed got to the Secretary of State, and that person became incapacitated and could no longer serve as President, then the next inline would be the Secretary of the Treasury - assuming that a Vice President had not yet been appointed. If a new VP had been appointed, then the VP would become President. See the link below for the current list for the office terms of 2004 - 2008:

Related questions

Who become president if both vice president and president dies?

Next in line after VP is Speaker of the House. Then the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, then Secretary of State, then Secretary of Treasury, then Secretary of Defense, then Attorney General, then Secretary of the Interior, then Secretary of Agriculture, then Acting Secretary of Commerce, then Secretary of Labor, then Secretary of Health and Human Services, then Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, then Secretary of Transportation, then Secretary of Energy, then Secretary of Education, then Secretary of Veterans Affairs, then Secretary of Homeland Security.

What is the sequence of government officials who would assume the office of President if the US President and Vice-President could no longer serve?

* The Speaker of the House of Representatives. * The President Pro Tempore of the Senatee * The Secretary of State. * The Secretary of the Treasury. * The Secretary of Defense. * The Attorney General. * The Secretary of the Interior. * In the current administration the Secretary of Agriculture is inelligible because he is "acting", the Secretaries of Commerce and Labor are both foreign born and the list goes on and on.If they both are disabled at the same time. the Speaker of the House would become the president.

How many presidents served as secretary of state after being president?

No ex-president has later become a Secretary of State- six have moved up from Secretary of State to president, however.

Is the Chief Justice of the United States or Secretary of State in the line of succession to the Presidency?

No, the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court is not a potential successor to the President. The Secretary of State is fourth in line. The line of succession, by office, is: # Vice-President # Speaker of the House of Representatives # President Pro Tempore of the Senate # Secretary of State # Secretary of the Treasury # Secretary of Defense # Attorney General # Secretary of the Interior # Secretary of Agriculture # Secretary of Commerce # Secretary of Labor # Secretary of Heath and Human Services # Secretary of Housing and Urban Development # Secretary of Transportation # Secretary of Energy # Secretary of Education # Secretary of Veteran's Affairs # Secretary of Homeland Security Nine Vice-Presidents have become President upon resignation or death of the President, and two have served as Acting President temporarily. The United States has never needed to fill the office with anyone below the level of Vice-President.

Fifth person in line to become preident?

The fifth person in line to become President is the Secretary of the Treasury; following the Vice President, the Speaker of the House, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, and the Secretary of State.

When did Cheney become acting president?

When George bush was elected president.

Who becomes president if the president becomes disabled?

The vice president would become the acting president.

Could the secretary of defense become president if all the predecessors die?

Technically, if every member of the presidential branch died, the secretary of defense COULD become the president of the United States

What president served as secretary of war and secretary of state during the war of 1812?

James Monroe is the man. He went on to become the next President.

Why is the secretary of the the interior not able to become the president?

Sally Jewell , the Secretary of the Interior, was born in England. The President must be born in US territory.

Who was the last secretary of state to become president?

James Buchanan

Who would become a President if the Vice President senator and the President were to die?

The Secretary of State . Hilary Clinton