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A person legally does not need a single popular vote to win a U.S. Presidential Election. It is up to each state to decide how it determines who gets appointed to the electoral college. For the past 150 years or so, with a few minor exceptions, every state has used the popular vote to make the determination, but if a state were to go back to having the state legislature appoint the electors, while it wouldn't be a popular move, it would be entirely within its rights.

In order to win a presidential election, a person must receive votes for president from more than half of the appointed electors. However, if nobody gets that many votes, the electoral vote results matter only as far as determining from among who the House of Representatives will be electing the President.

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The Electoral College decides who wins presidency.

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What are the three major weaknesses in the electoral college system?

The 3 major defects in the electoral College system are 1. the winner of the popular vote is not guarenteed the presidency 2. electors are not required to vote in accord with the popular vote 3. any election might have to be decided in the House of Reps.

Do any states fail to have a winner take all apportionment of electoral college votes?

Maine and Nebraska allow for the splitting of their electoral votes. I think they both award one elector to the winner in each Congressional district and give the other two votes to the over-all state-wide winner.

What is the maximum possible number of electoral votes accumulated to win the presidency and still lose.?

The United States requires 270 electoral votes for a candidate to win the presidency. Since there are a total of 538 votes available, a candidate can lose with 268 votes.

How does a candidate win electoral votes?

The candidate who gets the most popular votes wins that state's electoral votes in every state but Maine and Nebraska. In these states, the winner of each congressional district in the state gets one vote and the other two go to the overall winner. Winning the popular vote is a matter of convincing the voters in that state that you will do more them than will your opponent to deal with the matters that concern them. A position that wins votes in one state may lose votes in another, so campaign strategists try to figure out what positions will produce the most electoral votes.

How does the number of electoral votes of a state affect Presidential campaining?

The candidate who wins the greatest number of popular votes in any state usually receives all of that state's electoral votes. To win the presidency, a candidate must pay special attention to those states with large populations. The larger the state's population, the more electoral votes it has.

Related questions

Does the constitution provide for the winner of the popular votes in a presidential election to also be the winner of the Electoral College votes?


How do most states decide the winner of their electoral votes?

By popular vote.

Can Pa split its electoral votes?

Pennsylvania casts its electoral votes in the U.S. Electoral College on a winner-take-all basis. The winner of the popular election in Pennsylvania gets all of Pennsylvania's electoral votes.

What is a national popular vote plan?

A national popular vote plan is a proposal to change how the President of the United States is elected. Instead of the current system, where the winner is determined by the Electoral College, a national popular vote plan would award the presidency to the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide. This would ensure that every vote in every state has equal weight and would eliminate the possibility of a candidate winning the presidency without winning the popular vote.

Does primary winner get all electoral votes?

In most states, the winner of the popular vote receives all of the electoral votes. However, two states, Nebraska and Maine, allocate their electoral votes proportionally based on the winner of each congressional district and the state's overall popular vote.

What good is a vote of the people when the electoral college votes who they want in the white house despite what the popular vote is?

The winner of the electoral votes for any given state, is the candidate who wins the popluar vote for that state. For example, in the 2000 election, Al Gore beat George Bush by 500,000+ popular votes but Bush won the bigger states that have more electoral votes and took the presidency. The popular vote counts big time. Don't let anyone tell you different!

What are the three major weaknesses in the electoral college system?

The 3 major defects in the electoral College system are 1. the winner of the popular vote is not guarenteed the presidency 2. electors are not required to vote in accord with the popular vote 3. any election might have to be decided in the House of Reps.

Which term means grieving the winner of the popular vote in a state of all the states electoral votes?

winner-take-all basis

Which term means giving the winner of popular vote in a state all of the state's electoral votes?

winner-take-all basis

The most widely supported plan for reform of the electoral college is the what?

direct popular election plan

Should you change to a system of popular vote?

Yes, but then it would be harder to count the votes. Electoral votes make it easier to choose a winner.

In most states the winner of the popular vote gets what?

In all states but Nebraska and Maine, the winner of the popular vote gets all of that state's electoral votes. (Technically, the slate of electors pledged to the winning candidate is elected by the popular vote and these people go on to cast the state's electoral vote. )