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Elena Kagan's sexual orientation has been a topic of much debate and little factual information. Harvard Law Review named Kagan as a lesbian, but she has never made a public statement about her status, nor has her private life been open to scrutiny.

In a May 11, 2010 interview in Politico, Kagan's former law school roommate, Sarah Walzer, told journalist Ben Smith that Kagan is definitely a heterosexual. According to Walzer, "I've known her for most of her adult life and I know she's straight.... She's dated men when we were in law school, we talked about men - who in our class was cute, who she would like to date, all of those things. She definitely dated when she was in DC after law school, when she was in Chicago - and she just didn't find the right person."

Other friends and classmates confirmed Walzer's testimony.

Apparently, rumors about Kagan's sexual orientation had been circulating on gay blogs for months before a conservative CBS News site blogger reported the information as fact.

While those familiar with the Supreme Court nominee's personal life have been emphatic about Kagan's sexual orientation, they have also expressed concern about offending gay friends by implying there is anything wrong with being a lesbian. Either way, Kagan's private life and orientation are irrelevant to her ability to perform as Solicitor General or as a Supreme Court justice.

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No, Elena Kagan is not, and never has been, married. Although there are few details available about her personal life, friends claim she simply never found the right person.

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Elena Kagan is Jewish.

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Elena Kagan Supreme Court nomination happened in 2010.

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Justice Elena Kagan is the only person who was nominated to the US Supreme Court in 2010, as of August. She was confirmed by the Senate on August 5, 2010. The last justice President Obama nominated, Sonia Sotomayor, was confirmed by the Senate and became a member of the Court in August 2009.

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President Barack Obama nominted Elena Kegan to the Supreme Court on May 10,2010. She was sworn in on August 7,2010.

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Elena Kagan

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President Obama appointed Justice Elena Kagan to the US Supreme Court in 2010. She took the oaths of office on August 7, 2010.

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Supreme Court justice Elena Kagan is 57 years old (birthdate: April 28, 1960).

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Elena Kagan - Appointed by president Obama.

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Elena Kagan was confirmed on August 5, 2010 and took the Oath of Office on August 7, 2010, restoring the number of justices on the US Supreme Court to nine, as prescribed by Congress. Kagan is the 112th justice to be seated in the history of the Court.

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Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan are the only unmarried justices on the current Court (as of September 23, 2010). Justice David Souter, whom Sotomayor succeeded on the bench in 2009, was also unmarried.

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Justice Elena Kagan, whom President Barack Obama appointed in 2011, is the fourth woman to serve on the US Supreme Court.

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Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan are current Supreme Court justices. They are women. Sandra Day O'Connor is a former Supreme Court justice. She is also a woman. There are no constitutional qualifications for Supreme Court Justices. No age requirement, education requirement, or even a citizenship requirement. Never mind a protected class.