beauty is more important
High unemployment will mean that there are more people without work. When people sit around all day with nothing to do, they are more likely to turn to crime. Thus high unemployment coule lead to more crime, especially if it is persistently high. High unemployment can also lead to a change in government. Unemployed people are likely to vote out the incumbent politician (he/she has not been able to find them jobs), and are likely to vote for anyone who says "I will create jobs". A populist could exploit such feelings to get elected, and then use elected office to undermine democratic institutions (this is like what Hugo Chavez did in Venezuela).
no trying is more important
Is very important, 'cause the more educated you are, you earn more money and you pay more taxes also the culture of the people is the face of a nation.
campaign spending tends to be gratly more important .
Absolutely, unemployment plays a critical role in national economics. It affects the economy as much, or more, than any other element in the economic formulae
equality is more important than efficiency. Is that a positive or normative statement?
In open unemployment it is easy to recognize but in disguised unemployment its difficult to recognize. Open unemployment offers no wages but disguised employment offers salaries .Open unemployment is more harmful in industries and disguised unemploymentare more harmful to the nation.
Educated unemployment is mostly found in INDIA. This unemployment is because of high population rate.
Which pays more regarding unemployment or disability depends on how much money you were making at your previous job. If you were making a lot of money, then unemployment is likely to pay more.
get more education
A recession can bring an increase of unemployed workers. This results in more unemployment compensation claims being filed and paid, meaning more people are collecting unemployment benefits.
Unemployment - a little steel - some amish cheese - gm's cruze and more unemployment.
More states are allowing people to fill out their unemployment forms online. Check with your local unemployment office before filing a claim.
No, it was Nicholas Spykman who proposed the Rimland Theory of geopolitics. Spykman argued that controlling the coastal areas (rimland) of Eurasia was more important than controlling the heartland, as suggested by Halford Mackinder's Heartland Theory.
The unemployment rate in 1910 was approximately 6%. See the Related Link below for more information.
Unemployment - a little steel - some amish cheese - gm's cruze and more unemployment.