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The United States is separated into States. So is Australia. Canada has Provinces. A Nation is a State in itself. A State may or not be part of a Nation. I live in UK, the State is that of Great Britain.

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Q: Is state higher than a nation?
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Is a nation bigger than state?

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It is difficult to state for certain which nation has the largest rate of incarceration in the world due to a lack of comprehensive data. However, the United States generally has higher rates of incarceration than other developed nations.

How is a state differs from a nation?

A nation is nation different from a state in various ways. A nation will have a president but a state does not have a president as they are under one nation.

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Indiana produces more popcorn than any other state or nation.

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This is known as a nation-state. In a nation-state, the political boundaries of the state align with the cultural or ethnic boundaries of the nation.

Is totalitarian a state or nation?

It can be either a state or a nation, but is more often a nation.

Why state and nation are not the same?

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