federal grants not only supply funds,but, by stipulating how the grants are to be used, also influence the states in a number of ways. Grants supply funds for programs that states may not otherwise be able to afford. Grants also stimulate programs and goals that the federal government believes are nessary. Finally, grants set certain minimum standards in the states. for example, the federal government provides a minimum public welfare program.
The federal government announces that only certain political programs can be funded.
The federal Reserve which ironically is privately ran and in no way part of the government
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Federal and State
The federal government provides grants for the programs, but the employees are not federal employees.
my guess would be "federal loans"
Most countries have a mixed economy, with elements of all four major systems.Privately owned, privately controlled = free market (including the variant called capitalism)Publicly owned, privately controlled = socialism (Fannie Mae, TVA, Amtrak, CPB)Publicly owned, publicly controlled = communism (USPS, National Parks, West Point)Privately owned, publicly controlled = fascism (General Motors, Federal Reserve member banks)Fascist is often used as an insult today, but it started as an economic ideal. Benito Mussolini didn't nationalize the railroads, but he famously "made them run on time." In other words, privately owned but publicly controlled.
Medicaid is a joint, state/federal program that provides medical care to the poor. It is essentially a welfare plan. The federal government funds the majority of it, but states contribute too. The states administer the Medicaid programs subject to federal guidelines.jointly by the federal government and each state A+
which are the federal funding day care programs
Felony conviction does not automatically disqualify you from federal student aid unless it's for defrauding the federal government, or multiple convictions involving distribution or intent to distribute a controlled substance.
They believe that federal grants-in-aid programs interfere in state programs
They believe that federal grants-in-aid programs interfere in state programs
They believe that federal grants-in-aid programs interfere in state programs
they believe that federal grants in aid programs interfere in state affairs
No, you need to go to a private program. Some places offer free private programs though.
federal programs that exemplifies social structure for juveniles