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do your own work dummy

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4y ago
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3y ago
shut yo lame ah up
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3y ago
boy shut yo stupid A S S up
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Nevaeh Hardy

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Courtesy of Taylor

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dudes really beefing on answers.cum
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Detroy Robinson

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SMD bozzo
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Guadalupe Ruiz

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Lvl 1
4y ago

The words are spoken by the president himself

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Q: Read the following passage from a 1933 speech by US President Franklin Roosevelt how can you tell that this speech is a primary source about Roosevelt?
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How did Franklin D. Roosevelt multiple terms in office affect passage of the twenty second amendment?

it limited the president to two consecutive terms

When was Franklin Roosevelt reelected as President?

Franklin Roosevelt won his first Presidential election in 1932. He won the next 3 elections in 1936, 1940 and 1944. He was the first President to serve more than 2 terms, which brought about the introduction and passage of the Twenty-Second Amendment that limits a President to two elected terms.

How did Franklin D. Roosevelt's multiple terms in office affect passage of the Twenty-second Amendment It limited the President to one term. It limited the President to four consecutive terms. It limi?

It limits the presidency to two four-year terms.

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ponte a estudiar alv

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Technically, no -- at least not alone. The Social Security Act was a bill that by constitutional law must first be passed by both houses of congress. Roosevelt and his administration strongly pushed for the bill. To become law, it must be signed by the president after congressional passage -- which he did in 1935.

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President Franklin D. Roosevelt set the work day at ten hours for federal projects through the passage of the Walsh-Healey Act in 1936. This act established minimum wage and maximum hour requirements for federal contractors, including a ten-hour work day.

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The first President to be inaugurated on January 20th was Franklin D. Roosevelt, in 1937. Previously, the Presidential inauguration date had been March 4. This was changed by the passage of the 20th Amendment, ratified on January 23, 1933. The 32nd President, FDR was both the first inaugurated on January 20 (his second of four terms) and the last inaugurated on March 4 (his first term in 1933).

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