When the king died without any sons, the Queen ruled a country that was now a matriarchy.
a sentence for tories
what is a sentence for nonentity?
A Declarative sentence states a statement!
"I am looking forward to seeing you." Is a correct sentence.
To have ascendancy means to have a position of power. An example sentence is: The ascendancy comes with a lot of stress.
Fuedality a matriarchy
rule by mother
Albert William Aron has written: 'Traces of matriarchy in Germanic hero-lore' -- subject(s): Folklore, Matriarchy
Brothers and Sisters - 2006 Matriarchy 1-23 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:6
A matriarchy
Zygmunt Krzak has written: 'Od matriarchatu do patriarchatu' -- subject(s): Matriarchy, Mythology, Patriarchy, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Matriarchy, Religious aspects of Patriarchy
The gender that dominates (apex)
Elizabeth Lawton has written: 'The inevitability of matriarchy'
matriarchy society
the Myans were run more by men than women
E. A. Casaubon has written: 'La femme est la famille' -- subject(s): Matriarchy, Women's rights
Helga Laugsch has written: 'Der Matriarchats-Diskurs (in) der zweiten deutschen Frauenbewegung' -- subject(s): Matriarchy, Feminism