No. Or at least, not as badly as they are currently doing.
If regulation is to be done, it should be done at the school district level rather than as a matter of federal law.
Yes it is better because kids can get there full vitamins they need to get through the day
The school lunches effect students because it determines if kids get hipper, fat or skinny. Kids need lunch to get concentrate but not to much sugar because they get hipper with all the sugar.
school is to educate government is to over see process of govering
the princeble
I Belive That if the Government Abususes There Powers Then They should Un elect The Person that has been abusing it.. I Dont know For Sure.. Thoo Ryan Kuhl + Brett Brisco!! Ervin Middle School Hahahhahahaha
You shouldnt! school lunches are really unhealthy. bring your own lunch.
It is because the unhealthiness of school lunches and of obesity and diabetes
they are healthier then school lunches
School lunches are most commonly funded from the federal government. The National School Lunch Act was established by Congress in 1946 in order to ensure that school children would have a meal while at school.
1 hour AT LEAST
9.8 billion
Send her a lovely invitation saying how fit she is, and how she should come and see if your school lunches are "worthy"
it depends on the school
yes because some people get obese by school lunches
healthier lunches at school reduce bodyweight.
there are not healthy for you and can sometimes be expired or grow mold...cafeteria people are not responsible. sometimes can have bacteria. school lunches are not 100% safe.......made by nicole
because u waste food.