Valley Forge is where American troops spent a bitter, hungry, and dispiriting winter. Valley Forge is located in the state of Pennsylvania.
Valley Forge
vally forge
Making mental images
That was where Washington's army stayed during the winter of 1777. This was a critical point in the Revolution, as moral was low due to the bad conditions. Valley Forge was a military camp of the American Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War.
There is a Donald C. Winter who is Secretary of the Navy. See Related Links
Valley Forge, Pa
Vally Forge PA
They both are cold and bitter.
Use 'the' when you are writing about a specific season. eg In the winter of '65 I was hungry, barely alive. In this sentence we are talking about a specific winter the one in '65. In this sentence - In winter I was hungry, barely alive - we assume the winter was the one just passed
The cast of Bitter Winter - 2001 includes: Jane Alexander Trini Alvarado Bill Cobbs Conor Evans Christine Gerrard Lance Guest
With the onset of the bitter winter cold, the Continental Army under General George Washington, still in the field, enters its winter camp at Valley Forge, 22 miles from British-occupied Philadelphia. Washington chose a site on the west bank of the Schuylkill River that could be effectively defended in the event of a British attack.
people typically get more hungry during the winter. especially in times of war.
Because they haven't eaten all winter.
It is the tundra climate zone
The vegetation in the area was very scarce during the cold, bitter winter.
Lack of moisture can make lettuce bitter, but too little or too much of something (Nutrients) can also make lettuce bitter. Winter lettuce needs all the sun it can get.
Valley Forge, Pennsylvanua