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North. It can, what they call "dance" if you are near magnetic rock though.

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Q: The needle of a magnetic compass points toward the?
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What is a compass?

A compass is an instrument for determining direction consisting essentially of a freely suspended magnetic needle that points toward the magnetic north.

Why does a compass needle line itself up with the magnetic field?

A compass needle is a small magnet that aligns itself with Earth's magnetic field. The needle's north pole points toward Earth's magnetic north pole due to the attraction between opposite magnetic poles. This allows the compass needle to accurately indicate the direction of north.

What is an instrument for determining direction consisting essentially of a freely suspended magnetic needle that points toward the magnetic north?

This is the description of a magnetic compass.

Does a compass point to the geographic north pole?

No, a compass points towards the magnetic north pole, which is not the same as the geographic North Pole. The angle between the two poles is known as declination.

How does a compass work off of magnetism?

There is a magnetic field surrounding the Earth. The positive pole of this magnetic field (called the north magnetic pole) is near the North Pole. A compass has a freely rotating needle that is magnetized such that one end of the needle points toward the north magnetic pole.

What is a magnetic compass?

A magnetic compass has a needle mounted in a way that allows it to turn freely. Tis needle always lines up with Earth's magnetic field and points toward magnetic north. The needle is set over a diagram that shows east,south, and west. By knowing which way is north, a sailor can find the other diections. AA magnetic compass has a needle mounted in a way that allows it to turn freely. Tis needle always lines up with Earth's magnetic field and points toward magnetic north. The needle is set over a diagram that shows east,south, and west. By knowing which way is north, a sailor can find the other diections.

Needle on compass always points to what pole?

The magnetic poles of a compass needle are named after the directions in which they point. 'Magnetic North' and 'Magnetic South' are LOCATIONS (used to distinguish them from 'True North' and 'Magnetic North'), and do NOT describe their magnetic polarities. As 'unlike poles attract', the north pole of the compass needle points towards Magnetic North, whose polarity must, therefore, be south. By extension, the polarity of Magnetic South is north.

How does a compass needle move when it is placed in a magnetic field?

A compass needle aligns itself with the magnetic field lines and points toward the magnetic north pole. The north-seeking end of the needle is attracted to the Earth's magnetic south pole, causing it to move and orient itself accordingly.

How compass navigate the earth?

A compass works by aligning with the Earth's magnetic field. The needle inside the compass is magnetized and points toward the Earth's magnetic north pole. By using this reference point, travelers can determine their direction relative to the north.

Is A compass needle permanent a magnet?

Compass needles are permanent magnets. in response to the Earth's magnetic field, the compass needle will point toward the geographic North Pole.

What does the painted point of a compass always always point North?

The painted point of a compass always points north due to the magnetized needle aligning itself with Earth's magnetic field. This provides a reliable reference to determine direction and navigate accurately in various settings.

What pole does a compass always point to?

To the Magnetic North - not True NorthThe needle of a compass points toward the magnetic North (in varying degrees of accuracy), because the line of the compass aligns itself to the Earth's magnetic lines. Despite popular belief, the North Pole is not necessary coincident or synonymous with magnetic north. The earth's magnetic field has, over the history of the planet, shifted, causing the magnetic North to be situated in places other than what is known as the North Pole.the needle of a compass points north and south pole thank u vary much