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The Northwest Territory was divided into uniform townships and sections. The Northwest territory lasted from 1787 to 1803 when it was then admitted into the US.

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Q: The old Northwest was divided into what?
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What allowed northwest to be divided into townships?

The Northwest Ordinance allowed the northwest to be divided into townships.

What allowed the northwest to be divided into townships?

The Northwest Ordinance allowed the northwest to be divided into townships.

How was the northwest land divided?

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What act divided the land northwest of the Ohio river into townships?

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

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No, hemispheres are divided into north and south, or east and west; northwest is a direction, not a hemisphere.

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What is an order that commanded that northwest territory be divided into smaller territories?

My mom

What the Land Ordinance of 1785 did?

It divided the Northwest Territory into townships and lots.

Divided the land into townships and then each township into smaller tracts?

Northwest Ordinance.

What did the land ordinants of 1785 do?

It divided the Northwest Territory into townships and lots.

What was one of the most farsighted provisions of the northwest ordinance of 1787?

prohibited slavery in the old northwest

What was the plan that divided the Northwest Territories into sections called?

It was called the Nirth West Ordinance.