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( USA ) Eminent domain

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Q: The right of the government to take land from a private individual for the good of all?
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How did the Social Contract influence the Declaration of Independence?

The Government shall only do the stuffs that will be good for its people and the people will choose the government and if government is not doing right, people have the right to throw the government.

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the government to provide a good or service as a public good?

Increasing the number of consumers would increase the cost to a private provider.

What does the Declaration of Independence say people have the right to do if government is destructive of their rights?

The people have the right to abolish or reform the government and bring it back to the basic principles and boundaries outlined by the Constitution.It is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new governments.

Can the government take private property form and individual?

Yes. The government has the right to take personal property as well as real property so long as it follows the proper legal procedure required by law. That inherent right to seize private property is called Eminent Domain. You can read more about it at the link below.AnswerEminent Domain is now being abused by seizing private property to sell it to developers for things that will generate more tax monies. If we allow this to continue , no one will be safe from the possibility of having their home yanked out from under them. This is a fine example of government entities following the letter of the law , but not the spirit of the law.

What did the founders think was more important the common good or the individual rights?

The individual. The rights of the individual were paramount to the founders because all violations of a strong centralized government would be restricted by the protected rights of the individual. JFK "the rights of all men are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened." Everyone should understand the dangers of a strong centralized government and the risks to liberty it would present. Look at the number of laws passed by our national congress in ever increasing numbers since 1940.

Related questions

What is the right of the government to take land from a private individual for the good of all?

Eminent Domain. The government may confiscate the land, provided it pays what it assumes the worth is to the private owner.

Private job is good or government?

private job is better then government job.. The main reason for increasing of interest in government jobs is security and good salary after latest pay commission.

Is personnel computer is a private good?

Yes because the government doesn't have control of it and its yours, private

What is the term for goods that when consumed by one individual cannot be consumed by another.?

A private good (as opposed to a public good).

Why government school education is not good to private school education?

caouthciol reform

What might be the consequences to individuals and Society of too Great and emphasis on the common good at the expense of individual right?

There has to be both a consideration for the common good and individual rights. To have a government meet the needs of all citizens it must consider the common good of the society. To only address individual needs would mean that some citizens are left out of the political process.

What are the differences between right and corrupt forms of government?

A right form of government follows the rule of law, protects the rights of its citizens, and promotes the common good. A corrupt form of government is characterized by bribery, dishonesty, abuse of power, and lack of accountability, leading to oppression and inequality among its people.

How did the Social Contract influence the Declaration of Independence?

The Government shall only do the stuffs that will be good for its people and the people will choose the government and if government is not doing right, people have the right to throw the government.

A system of government that focuses on the good of the state rather than on the individual citizens?


What is the term for goods that when consumed by one individual cannot be consumed by another?

A private good (as opposed to a public good).

Which is not a reason for the government to provide a good or service as a public good?

Having more consumers would increase a private providers cost.

What is it called when the power of government takes private property for the public good with due compensation?

Imminent Domain