Establishing a national park system ... apex
The Minnetaree tribe was the first settlers of what is now Yellowstone National Park. They are also the ones who captured Sacagewea and held her hostage.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated the Smoky Mountains National Park. The dedication was in 1940. Roosevelt declared the park for "the enjoyment of the people."
The National Park Service keep the parks safe and are the rangers who serve to provide information to visitors and to help them.
National Park Service
Yellowstone National Park.
The very first national park in the world was Yellowstone National Park. It was created in 1872 by the Department of the Interior.
In 1872 it was named Yellowstone national park making it the worlds first national park but if you mean the actual land formation I believe it was maybe a few million years ago.
It was called Yellowstone National Park.
yellowstone national park
Royal National Park
marijuana is good national park.
Royal National Park, situated in NSW, 29km south of Sydney.
False, it happened two years after that expedition that Yellowstone National Park was created.