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No the plan was meant for the smaller states for equal representation whereas the Virginia plan was meant to be recorded by population.

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Q: This plan was supported by the large what states?
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What plan way supported by a large amount of states?

The Virginia plan.

Which states supported the viginia plan?

The Virginia Plan favored mostly the larger states because it was based on population. The New Jersey Plan favored smaller states because each state represented equally.

What type of representation would states under the Virginia Plan?

According to the Virginia Plan, states with a large population would have more representatives than smaller states. Large states supported this plan, while smaller states generally opposed it. Under the New Jersey Plan, the unicameral legislature with one vote per state was inherited from the Articles of Confederation.

What states supported the Virginia plan?

big populated states

What plan of government favored the smaller states?

the sdr plane was the smaller size in worl

What plan was supported by the large states why?

Virginia PlanThe Virginia plan supported the large states. This is because they did not like the New Jersey plan. They also couldn't figure out what to do with the rest of the land so The Virginia Plan helped divide it properly. Lol :] dhis Krazy dhoe real talk txt meh later if yhu ghot a question bout my comment ohkay. :]:

What were the type of states that benefits Virgina plan?

Large states supported this plan, and smaller states, which feared losing substantial power in the national government, generally opposed it, preferring an alternative put forward by the New Jersey delegation on June 15.

What plan was supported by the large state's?

Virginia PlanThe Virginia plan supported the large states. This is because they did not like the New Jersey plan. They also couldn't figure out what to do with the rest of the land so The Virginia Plan helped divide it properly. Lol :] dhis Krazy dhoe real talk txt meh later if yhu ghot a question bout my comment ohkay. :]:

Why did small states want representation by state?

Large states wanted to base representation in Congress on population. Smaller states supported the New Jersey Plan, which would have allowed each state to have an equal vote.

Did the Virgina plan favor large or small states?

Large states

What plan was supported by the big states and why?

HI angel you are AWESOME LOL

What plan was supported by the small states and why?

The New Jersey Plan because they got more rights than the Virginia Plan.