don't know
A position issue is an issue that different parties disagree on, as opposed to a valence issue, which is an issue that the electorate generally all takes one side on.
the correct answer is partisan
Alexander Hamilton
The issue of states' rights has always been a controversial one.
Progressives believed they were doing mankind a favor by getting rid of alcohol. They thought it might make life better for people, but to be honest it wasn't very progressive.
Favoring one side of an issue means showing a preference or bias towards one particular viewpoint, solution, or position over others. It usually involves giving more weight or support to that side in discussions, decisions, or actions related to the issue.
Interest group!
to influence legislators in favor of one particular issue
A Person That Is Favoring One Side Of An Political Issue Is Called An Partisan.
Interest group!
to influence legislators in favor of one particular issue
An attitude is an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing, or event, including a political or social issue.A group of people who favor an issue are supporters of the issue.A group of people who don't favor an issue are opponentsof the issue.
to influence legislators in favor of one particular issue
To get more supporters on one side rather than the other by making an event appear in favor of said side.
don't know
A person favoring one side of a political issue is typically referred to as having a political bias or being politically partisan.