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A Congressional Conference Committee is formed to discuss a bill which has Congress in disagreement over. Senior members of standing committees in each house form the committee that originated the piece of legislation. These committees come into play if both houses have passed different versions of the same bill.

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Q: Type of congressional committee in which members of both houses act as one group to discuss a bill?
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Which congressional positions are occupied by the member of the majority party with the most seniority?

Committee chairs in both houses are majority party members and seniority is used to determine which committees members get to choose first concerning committee appointments. The most influential committees are chaired by the senior members of their party.

How do the two houses discuss the together?

Conference Committee Apex :)

Which committee is composed of members from both Houses?

Joint Committee :D

How do the two houses discuss the bill together?

Conference Committee Apex :)

How do the two houses discuss the bills together?

Conference Committee Apex :)

Special committee composed of members of both houses of congress is called?

A Joint committee

What type of committee includes members from both houses to work out differences in purposed bills?

conference committee conference committee

What kind of committee includes members from both houses of congress?

You would call it a Joint Committee....

This is a committee made up of members from both houses of Congress These committees may eventually become standing committees?

joint committee

What kind of committee is a bill sent to when members of the to houses must agree on changes to a bill?


Who sits on a joint committee?

Members of both houses of Congress sit on joint committees.

A compromise bill worked on by a conference committee of House and senate members is?

Usually passed by both houses of CongressYes, many times a compromised bill has worked on by a conference committee of the house and senate members.