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Benedict Arnold was going to sell to the British the plans to the fort, such as the specifications and how many men were in the fort, as well as the location of other arms and strongholds along the Hudson River

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Q: Was Benedict Arnold going to sell West Point to the British or West Point secrets?
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Where did Benedict Arnold plan to surrender?

Benedict Arnold planned to surrender West Point (located in New York) to the British.

Benedict Arnold offered to surrender what to the British?

West Point

What did Benedict Arnold offer to surrender to the British?

West Point

Who was the colonial officer who committed a treasonous act when he attempted to turn West Point over to the British?

General Benedict Arnold.

Whose betrayal nearly lost West Point to the British?

Benedict Arnold

Location where Benedict Arnold was going to turn over to the British?

He turned over to the British at West Point

Location Benedict Arnold was going to turn over to the British?

He turned over to the British at West Point

American traitor during the revolution?

The traitor was Benedict Arnold, he went on the British side and told our secrets during the war. Soon after the war he moved on to Canada to live their. Later he got sick and he died alone in Canada.

Who was the British spy who got hung who met Benedict Arnold?

The name of the British spy that was hung for his involvement with Benedict Arnold was John Andre. Together, they were conspiring to surrender West Point and let it fall into British hands.

Who attempted to sell West Point to the British during the Revolutionary War?

Benedict Arnold

How did Benedict Arnold betray George Washington?

Benedict Arnold had plotted to give control of West Point(an American Military Depot) to the British in exchange for 10,000 pounds sterling and a Brigadier's ranking in the British army

Who committed treason by offering to turn west point NY over to british?

Benedict Arnold