The Welsh flag is called Y Ddraig Goch. In English this means The Red Dragon.
Welsh Government was created in 1999.
Harry Welsh was a first lieutenant in Easy Company during World War 2. Welsh was wounded during a battle and received two purple hearts and two bronze stars.
Charlotte Church does speak Welsh. She is fluent in her native language. Some American celebrities have told her to never stop speaking the language.
The official language of the United Kingdom is English. Other languages are spoken there including Welsh, Gaelic, and other European tongues.
The Welsh word for dragon is draig.
Welsh dragon in Welsh is "draig Goch".
There was a welsh dragon (red) that fought an English dragon (white) but the welsh dragon won and Wales was aloud to use a red dragon for the flag.
Griffin can be of Irish, Welsh or Swedish origin.
In Welsh, "dragon" is pronounced as "drai-gon."
The Welsh Dragon, Leek and Daffodil are all symbols of Wales.
'Dragon' is draig in Welsh.
The Welsh Dragon known in Welsh as Y Ddraig Goch 'the red dragon', pronounced [ə draiɡ ˈɡoch. the ch is sounded like clearing the throat. Many refer to the Dragon by the name DEWI which is a welsh version of David.
the welsh dragon is on our flag because ofWendell the King ofWales 100BC he though that the dragon representedwales and was as strong as a dragon no matter what
Yes there is a red dragon on the welsh flag, the back round colours are red green.
The Welsh word for dragon is "draig," pronounced as "dreyg."