France has traditionally always been anxious to preserve its culture in all kinds of ways, but one of the more notable ones is its fighting of the use of English words and expressions in the French language. It is one of the few nations that has an official policy of coming up with French words to replace new English words. While 'computer' for instance has become an almost universally used word, the French will staunchly call it an "ordinateur". But in this field, they may be fighting a losing battle, certainly where young people are concerned.
The course of action taken by the government to achieve community goals is to work with non-profit organizations. Many of these programs are able to qualify for grants that assist with community projects.
print more money
action taken by a senator that attempts to prevent a bill from passing in the Senate
A statement of action you want taken to resolve your complaint
American sailors captured from the british would be hanged
zoo or game preserve
The regions of Alsace and Lorraine were taken by France from Germany in 1871.
What action could be taken to improve your performance
There was no action taken for the hit.
Action taken by employers to keep unions from forming is called
USCIS mails them to you when they have taken action on your case.
How do you think YHWH and Christ transform culture today?
The action taken will depend on the quantity of the spill.