well swamp hen and heron eat reed.
The field of reeds is like a heaven to the ancient Egyptians were all your favorite things are.
Sometime about 3000 BC, the Egyptians made candles out of reeds soaked in tallow (animal fat); they also made beeswax candles. The Romans are credited with inventing the wick. Check out the related link for more info.
American Eats was created on 2006-06-29.
A fat baby turkey eats cabbage in a teacup A fat baby turkey eats cabbage in a teacup
well swamp hen and heron eat reed.
an animal that only eats meat is a carnivore, an animal the only eats vegetation is a herbivore and an animal that eats both is called an omnivore :)
no known animal eats the sycamore tree
a bat is an animal that eats insects
This bird has no animal in the UK which eats it.
The animal that eats slippery d*ck is me, and my friend
An animal that eats everything is called an omnivore, an animal that eats only meat is called carnivore, and lastly an animal that eats only vegetation is called a herbivore
The animal who eats another is the victim's predator. For example, animal 1 is a lioness and animal 2 is a buffalo. The lioness eats or preys on the buffalo. The lioness is the predator of the buffalo.
A rabbit
a animal eats orchids
A piscivore eats fish.